高科技黐手 Hi-Tech Chi Sao
8月31日那天我的一個學生帶了Google Glass來上課。對於 Google Glass 不熟悉的人,它是 Google 研發很長一段時間的可穿戴式電腦。Google Glass具有拍照、錄影、上網、通話、導航功能。Google Glass能將各種資訊顯示在眼鏡片上,它可以用手滑動控制還可以用語音操作。怪不得有人說「基本上可以想像把一支智慧手機戴在眼睛的前面」。Google Glass原價是一千五百美元。加上稅金和運費是五萬多塊台幣一副。聽說學生帶來這副Google Glass很可能是台灣目前唯一的一副。因為Google尚未開始正式大量銷售,所以即使有錢並不一定能拿到一副Google Glass。
許多男人看到新的電子產品就像是小孩子看到新的玩具一樣興奮。幾個學生忍不住戴上它做一些即興的自由黐手。因此創作出很可能是台灣第一支使用Google Glass錄影的黐手短片。(學生說可能也是亞洲第一支這樣的短片。)有這一次的經驗,我覺得用Google Glass錄影黐手作為訓練輔助工具有優點也有缺點。個人認為它展現詠春拳在中線上你來我往的交鋒可說是無與倫比的。我很喜歡它提供的臨場感。也不必麻煩第三者用手機或錄影機在旁邊拍攝。此外,它戴起來感覺和普通眼鏡的重量差不多。缺點是用它錄的短片看不到戴Google Glass的人之身法與步法的動作,甚至手法也只有攻擊出去的手較為清楚可見。為了解決這個問題,我建議練黐手兩個人輪流戴Google Glass以獲得更完整的畫面。還有,如同戴普通眼鏡練習黐手,Google Glass有被打掉的危險。有關用Google Glass作為詠春拳訓練輔助工具還有一件事值得注意。Google Glass的相機鏡頭在眼鏡右上角,所以,如果戴著Google Glass是黐手兩者之間較高的人,因為角度問題,在短片中較矮的一方會像在低頭盯著手看。
Google Glass是一個令人著迷的創新產品。至於用它來幫助詠春拳訓練,我不認為它可以完全取代現有的工具,但它確實有它的獨特賣點。就我個人而言,我也想擁有一副。
Hi-Tech Chi Sao - An experience of using Google's latest innovation
Author: Alan Huang
On August 31st, one of my students brought the Google Glass to the class. The original price for the Google Glass is US$1,500. With tax and shipping, it is about NT$50,000 a pair. This Google Glass could very well be the only Google Glass in Taiwan at this moment. Because it is not officially at the retail for sales yet, so it is not easy to get one even you have the money.
New electronic products to men are like new toys to kids. A few students had to wear it to do some impromptu Chi Sao. This Chi Sao video with the Google Glass could be the first one with the Google Glass in Taiwan. (Well, likely could be the first one in Asia.) It has its plus and minus to use Google Glass as a Wing Chun Chi Sao training tool. Google Glass shows the exchanges back and forth on the centerline better than anything else. I like the view that is so close to the actions. You don't need to trouble a third person to record your Chi Sao with a mobile phone or a camcorder. Last but not least, the weight of Google Glass doesn’t seem to be much heavier than regular glasses, so you won’t feel it as an hindrance. The downside is you can’t see the body/leg movements of the person who wear the Glass. Even the person’s hand movements, only the attacking techniques are clearer. To remedy this problem, I suggest both persons should take turn to wear the Glass to get a better picture. Secondly, like wearing regular glasses to play Chi Sao, it has the risk to be knocked down. One more thing, the camera is on right top side of the Glass, so if the one wearing the Google Glass is the taller one between the two, it might appear on the video his partner was looking down or looking at hands.
Google Glass is a fascinating innovation. Regarding using it to help Wing Chun training, I don't think it can totally replace existing medium like mobile phone, yet it does has its unique selling point. Personally, I would love to have it, too.
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