梅逸師公 - 其人和其詠春功夫 (I) Moy Yat – the man and his kung fu (I)
梅逸師公 - 其人和其詠春功夫 (I) Moy Yat – the man and his kung fu (I)
梅逸師公 - 其人和其詠春功夫 (I)
作者: Alan C. Huang
Grandmaster Yip Man, Moy Yat and Moy Yat’s Hong Kong students
師公梅逸,1938年生於廣東。他與他的家人於1953年移居香港。於1957年梅逸通過他的朋友梅炳華介紹下開始與宗師葉問學習詠春。梅逸2 4歲時在香港開了自己的拳館成為葉問宗師門下最年輕的師傅。葉問宗師辭世後,梅逸在1973年移居紐約,開始在美 國 教授詠春。
Two of Moy Yat’s Wing Chun Chops
梅逸和美國弟子合照; 家師陳雄(左一站立者)伊魯山度(中央站立者)
Moy Yat and his students including Sifu Micky Chan (standing, first on the right) Dan Inosanto (standing, center)
梅逸花了近40年的教學和推廣詠春拳,至今世界各地的成千上萬名弟子和再傳弟子。從他的香港拳館時代有三個突出的弟子 –Jeffery Chan,劉功成(Sam Lau),鄧華 (Sunny Tang)。 Jeffery Chan師伯是那時的大師兄。他是最有名的是他講手(廣東話講手的含義是比武)本事。他有一次講手用詠春拉打迅速地擊敗了一個學習另一南派功夫超過10年的的對手。Jeffery Chan師伯當時只學詠春拳3個月。劉功成師伯是香港葉問國術總會的現任主席。鄧華師伯是加拿大武術聯合會國家主席,以及加拿大國家武術隊的首席領隊。家師陳雄(Mickey Chan)是梅逸系統在美國的大師兄。他的詠春拳功夫和知識在梅逸系統中備受推崇。從外表上看起來家師陳雄比較像是一個溫文儒雅的學者而不像一個武術家。然而,對於那些嘗試過他詠春拳的人都無不敬畏他的功夫。他幫助梅逸教導其他師弟師妹們超過20年。甚至當筆者還在跟家師陳雄學詠春時都仍然有幾個師叔,他們都已經是師傅級的人也都有自己的拳館,會回來和我們一起訓練以便得到家師指點。目前梅逸在美國好幾個城市和拉丁美洲都有弟子傳授詠春拳功夫。另一個值得一提的是李小龍的高徒,丹·伊魯山度 (Dan Inosanto),也曾追隨過梅逸學習詠春拳。
1. 我很幸運見過師伯公梅炳華一次。他是很和善的老前輩人也非常大方分享他的詠春拳知識。
2. 劉功成師伯一九六六年啟蒙於梅逸師傅,後拜葉問宗師為師。
Moy Yat – the man and his kung fu (I)
Author: Alan C. Huang
Sigung Moy Yat passed away on January 23, 2001. Time flies by so quickly. It’s been 12 years now. I still remember the day that I went to the funeral home in New York City ’s Chinatown to pay my respect. Sigung Moy Yat is one of Grandmaster Ip Man’s disciples that have made a tremendous contribution to the growth of Wing Chun overseas. Since Sigung Moy Yat left Hong Kong to teach Wing Chun in New York fairly early, so relatively few people in Taiwan , Hong Kong and China even heard about him.. Therefore, I decided to write this article to let more people know Sigung Moy Yat and his Kung Fu.
The Man
Moy Yat was born 1938 in Canton , China . He moved to Hong Kong with his family in 1953. With the introduction of his friend, Moy Bing Wa, Moy Yat started his Wing Chun training with the Grandmaster Ip Man in 1957. By the age of 24, Moy Yat became the younger Sifu under Grandmaster Ip Man and opened up his own school in Hong Kong . After the passing of Grandmaster Ip Man in 1973, Moy Yat emigrated to New York to start teaching Wing Chun.
Besides Wing Chun, Moy Yat has a special talent for arts, specifically chop making and panting. As a matter of fact, besides being a founding member of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong . He was also responsible for designing the logos and other artwork for the Association. He stared to do chop making because his Sifu Yip Man suggested him to carve the Wing Chun principles onto the chops. Moy Yat was also an author. He published several Wing Chun books about three empty-hand forms, Wing Chun Pole and the Wooden Dummy.
Moy Yat spent almost 40 years in teaching and promoting Wing Chun , Moy Yat lineage has thousands of students and grand students around the world. Three prominent students from the Hong Kong school era are Jeffery Chan, Sam Lau and Sunny Tan. Jeffery Chan was the Dai Shihing for that era. He was most famous for his Talking Hand/fighting skill. There was a story that he once defeated a opponent who had trained over 10 years in another Southern style Kung Fu with a Lop Daar shortly into their match. Jeffery Chan had only 3-month of Wing Chun training at that time. Sam Lau is the current Chairman of the Yip Man Athletic Association in Hong Kong . Sibak Sunny Tang is the National President of the Confederation of Canadian Wushu Organizations (Wushu Canada ), as well as a leading director for the Canadian National Wushu Team. My own Sifu, Master Micky Chan is Dai Sihing of the Moy Yat family in the US . On appearance, Sifu Mickey Chan looks more like a scholar than a martial artist. However, for those who have experienced his Wing Chun are all in awe with his skill. For many years, he had helped his Sifu in developing his younger Kung Fu brothers and sisters. Even when I was still training under Sifu Mickey, there were several Kung Fu uncles, who were Sifus already and had their own schools, would come to Sifu Mickey’s school to train with us to improve their skill. Moy Yat also has students in various parts of the US and Latin America who all have their own very successful Wing Chun schools. Even Bruce Lee’s top student, Dan Inosanto, once studied Wing Chun under Moy Yat also.
(to be continued)
1. I was fortunate to be able to meet Sibak Moy Bing Wah once. He is such warm and kind person who is alao very generous in sharing his Wing Chun knowledge.
2. Sam Lau studied Wing Chun first with Moy Yat in 1996. Later on he became a student of Grandmaster Yip Man.
unice於2013/01/03 09:55 回應
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