師父的詠春拳館 Sifu’s Wing Chun School
師父的詠春拳館 Sifu’s Wing Chun School
The picture was taken at the side of the school building.
Wooden dummies near the front door.
Bart Cham Do/butterfly knives and kid’s wooden dummy.
Sifu and I in 2013.
師父林文學(Gary Lam)從香港移居到美國教詠春拳約十多年。在那些年他一直在他家後院教詠春拳。除了在為拳館尋找適當地點時曾短暫地在當地公園教拳。去年(2011年)他終於在位於洛杉磯市區東北邊的阿罕布拉市(Alhambra)開了一間拳館。這新拳館是真的很棒 - 寬 敞,明亮,整潔及有完善的各種詠春訓練設備。很高興我的師兄弟們現在有這樣一個好的場地學習詠春拳。然而,對我個人來說有點遺憾的是在師父家後院學拳的那種親切感和在加州陽光下汗流浹背訓練的日子已經一去不復返了。但是,一個時代的結束是另一個新時代的開始。祝師父的新拳館繼續蓬勃發展,並希望更多的人來學習這黃淳樑/林文學詠春系統。
照片來源: Gary Lam Wing Chun Headquarter/J. Ratana, A. Huang
師父林文學臉書頁面: https://www.facebook.com/garylamwc
師父林文學網站(仍在興建中): http://www.garylamwingchun.com
師父林文學DVD: http://www.cranesproduction.comSifu’s Wing Chun School
Sifu Gary Lam emigrated from Hong Kong to the US to teach Wing
Chun. For about 15 years, he taught Wing
Chun out of his backyard. (With an
exception of an interim period of teaching at a local park while looking for a
right place for the school.) Finally, last year (2011) he opened up a new school in Alhambra ,
California . The school is really nice -
spacious, clean, well-lighted and with various training equipment. I am very happy that my Kung Fu brothers now
have such a nice place to train Wing Chun.
However, it’s kind of sad that the days of training in his backyard are
gone forever. But, the end of an era is
the beginning of a new era. I wish
Sifu’s new school continue to flourish and hope more people come to practice
Wong Shun Leung/Gary Lam system.
Source of the pictures: Gary Lam Wing Chun Headquarter/J. Ratana, A. Huang
This article was
originally written in 2012. Now, I have
added pictures that I took when I visited Sifu in 2013. I have also added three new videos. These videos show Sifu teaching at different
locations which give you a sense of how the school has evolved over the
years. Again, I sincerely wish Sifu’s
school continues to prosper for many years to come.
1.Sifu teaching at the backyard
2.Sifu teaching at the park
3.Sifu teaching at current school
Sifu Gary Lam facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/garylamwc
Sifu Gary Lam website (still under construction): http://www.garylamwingchun.com
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