林文學詠春拳 II - 後院黐手 Gary Lam Wing Chun II – Backyard Chi Sao

林文學詠春拳 II - 後院黐手

我記得我第一次聽到師父林文學是在武術雜誌讀到關於他的文章,因為當時網路不是那麼發達。當我第一次看了師父的「後院黐手」(Backyard Chi Sao) 這部影片,和許多人一樣,我被師父如閃電般的速度和招式變化的流暢所震撼。即使在那樣的速度之下,他詠春拳的一招一式仍然是如此地清晰明確。更厲害的是他可以示範得如此之輕鬆。難怪有些人可能會認為這是事先有排練或是套招的。但實情是如此。拍這部影片的師兄告訴我,這是有一天他剛剛從一家商店購買了一台攝影機。(手機在當時大多只能打電話;很少有照相或錄影功能。他想嘗試用一下新的攝影機,於是他跑到師父後院請他當場隨便展示一下詠春拳。這個短片就是當天的一小部分成果,之後它也被製成DVD就叫「後院黐手」(Backyard Chi Sao)。事實上在師父後院學拳的日子裡,我最喜歡便是師父的即興地講拳理或演示,我經常學到好多東西也對他的詠春功夫更加敬畏。師父的詠春拳真的就是這麼厲害!

師父林文學DVD: http://www.cranesproduction.com

Gary Lam Wing Chun II – Backyard Chi Sao

I think the first time that I heard of Sifu Gary was through martial art magazines, because the internet was not that well developed then.  Like many people when I watched this video for the first time I was shocked by Sifu’s lightning fast speed and great fluidity of changing one technique to another.  Even at that speed, his techniques were still very clear.  The Wing Chun techniques were so clear and pure.  Above all, he demonstrated them so effortlessly.  No wonder some people might think that was all pre-arranged or rehearsed.  As far as I know the production of this video was totally impromptu.  As a matter of fact, one thing that I really enjoyed in the days that I was still training at Sifu’s backyard was his impromptu speeches or demonstrations.  I was often at awe by his Wing Chun knowledge and skill.  His Wing Chun Kung Fu is THAT good! 

Related Information
Sifu Gary Lam facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/garylamwc
Sifu Gary Lam website (still under construction): http://www.garylamwingchun.com
To purchase Sifu Gary Lam DVD’s: http://www.cranesproduction.com
