「功夫大師在紐約」 - 我的陳氏太極師父任廣義 “Kung Fu Master in New York”

「功夫大師在紐約」 - 我的陳式太極師父任廣義 

上面的影片我看過了數次,現在我把它張貼在這裡與更多的人分享。影片第一部分是關於師父1991年移居紐約後如何從在餐館打工成為一個非常著名的太極師傅。然後該影片描述世界著名搖滾歌手Lou Reed是如何成為師父的一個忠實的學生;每週跟著師父練三到七次,直到他去世




 “Kung Fu Master in New York” – My Chen Taiji Sifu Ren Guang Yi

 I have watched above video for several times now and thought I would post it here to share with more people. Unfortunately, most of the video is in Chinese, so I would describe the content of the video here. First part of the video talks about how Sifu Ren becomes a very well-known Taiji master in New York after he emigrated from China in 1991. Then, the video describes how world famous Rock singer Lou Reed became a loyal student of Sifu Ren; practicing Chen Taiji three to seven times a week, until he passed away.

 There are two things touched me the most about the video. One is I could feel the sorrow of my Sifu when he talks about the loss of his beloved student, Lou. As a teacher myself, I could really feel the pain of losing a beloved student. The second thing; it is an old topic now, is how much foreigners like Lou Reed love Taiji or Wing Chun and yet it seems less and less people want to practice Chinese Kung Fu here in Taiwan. If it wasn’t for the success of the movie “Ip Man” in Taiwan, I believe there would be only very few people ever heard of Wing Chun. No wonder many Kung Fu teachers have a deep concern that one day our future generations have to learn Kung Fu from foreigners. If that day really comes, besides ourselves, who else can we really blame??? In the video, Sifu Ren talks about when they buried Lou besides one of his favorite guitars, he had a Chen broadsword and a spear buried together with him. When I heard this, I was saddened by it.

 Note: Both broadswords and spears are weapons of Chen Style Taiji.
