詠春拳有高踢嗎? Does Wing Chun have High Kicks?


在影片《葉問前傳》中,葉問在香港遇見到了梁璧並被梁璧收為徒。梁璧傳授的詠春拳中有高踢(又稱高腳)。在佛山葉問從恩師陳華順和師兄吳仲素所學的詠春拳並沒有高踢。所以後來有同門質疑葉問的詠春並非正宗。相信這全都是電影虛構的橋段。一些人認為,葉問從學梁璧的故事是一個總的製造。即使,葉問曾經和梁璧相遇,並從他身上學到詠春拳。沒有證據表明從沒聽說過梁璧的詠春拳有高踢腿。所以,回到我們的主題 - 詠春拳具有高踢?或者更準確地說,葉問詠春拳具有高踢?

一般來講,大多數葉問詠春拳練習者都知道詠春拳的踢不應該高過腰。當我還是學生時,我也學了相同概念。詠春拳的踢主要攻擊下三路目標,如膝蓋等。所有詠春的套路;包括木人樁,都不具有高踢腿。如果再依據詠春的三大法則: 簡易、直接、有效攻擊下三路的低腳是比高腳更遵循這些法則。然而我梅逸系統師叔凱文.馬丁 (Kevin Martin) 2004年美國武術雜誌Inside Kung Fu雜誌裡一篇有關詠春黐手的文章中演示出一個高踢。據師叔凱文在文章中指出這一招是葉問宗師傳給梅逸師公,然後梅逸師公教給他的。這招是先用雙拉手或雙窒手封住對手兩手臂然後做高正腳踢他的下巴或下顎。腳踢下巴或下顎有可能是個殺傷力極強大的一擊。(見注1)有意思的是在6年後的2010《葉問前傳》電影中的打鬥場面,我們也可以看到這招。(見注2

師叔凱文.馬丁 (Kevin Martin) 演示高踢,來源: Inside Kung Fu, 2004年十月
Sisuk Kevin Martin demonstrates a high kick, source: “The 8 Stages of Chi Sao”, by Robert Dreeben and photography by Peter Grimaldi, Inside Kung Fu, October 2004

我個人現在的想法是 - 詠春拳的踢絕對是以攻擊下三路的低腳為主。但當機會出現的時候,我是會做高踢腿攻擊頭部或上半身。除了像師叔凱文演示的情況外,以下是我認為做高踢時機的一些例子。如打鬥中我的對手會不斷得將雙手放下來沒有良好保護頭部或肋骨的意識。或者說,當他會做很多低頭閃躲 (Bob and Weave) 且沒有做好保護他的頭部。或是他試圖撲進來做抱腿摔 (Takedown) 我會踢或膝擊他頭部。最後,如我的對手出拳後沒有習慣迅速收拳回來保護他的的肋骨,那麼我可能會適時地踢向該脆弱的目標。從戰術角度,如果我的對手認為詠春拳沒有高踢,那我的高踢成功率會相對較高。這是所謂的出奇制勝。我在這裡不是想說服任何人。如果有人還是認為詠春拳練習者不應該做高踢腿,我是絕對尊重。畢竟詠春拳的「踢不過腰」或「腿不過腰」是有它一定的原因和它的優點。但是現在讓我們從另一個角度思考。除非我們學習詠春是要與另一個詠春拳同門打,我們都應該學會如何防守高踢。因為許多武術有高破壞性的高踢可以一腳擊倒對手。所以對我來說,更重要的是,我們練詠春拳的人需要學習和練習如何防守高踢。以下是關於如何防守高踢的一些例子。

圖一:師公黃淳樑用捆手(又稱滾手)橫腳去接師叔David Peterson的高踢  Wong Shun Leung demonstrates a Kwan Sao with a low side kick to stop Sisuk David Peterson’s high kick

圖二:師父林文學使用護手擋高踢  Sifu Gary Lam uses a Wu Sao to stop a high kick

圖三:李小龍用護手擋羅禮士的高踢  Bruce Lee uses a Wu Sao to stop a high kick from Chuck Norris


Anderson Silva knockouts Vitor Belfort with a front kick

Lyoto Machida knockouts Randy Couture

2: 以下是《葉問前傳》打鬥場面的連接。注意0:08秒時的高踢。

Does Wing Chun have High Kicks?

In the movie, “The Legend is Born - Ip Man,” Ip Man met Leung Bik in Hong Kong and got to learn Wing Chun from him.  Leung Bik’s Wing Chun has high kicks in it.    Some believe that the story of Ip Man learned from Leung Bik is a total fabrication.  Even, Ip Man did meet and Leung Bik and learned Wing Chun from him.  There is no evidence that Leung Bik’s Wing Chun has high kicks vs no high kicks of the Wing Chun that Ip Man had learned from Chan Wha Shun in Foshan.  Again, this is made up by the screen writer.  However, this is a good segue into our topic – “Does Wing Chun have high kicks?”  or more precisely, “Does Ip Man Wing Chun have high kicks?”

General speaking, most Ip Man Wing Chun practitioners have learned that Wing Chun kicks should not be higher than the waist.  Wing Chun kicks mainly attack target such as knees or ankles.  When I was a student of Wing Chun, I was taught with this concept, too.  All the forms in Wing Chun; including the Wooden Dummy form, don’t have high kicks.  The low kicks are certainly more abided by the Wing Chun principles of simple, direct and effective than high kicks.  In 2004, my Sisuk (Junior Kung Fu Uncle) Kevin Martin from the Moy Yat system demonstrated a high kick in the Inside Kung Fu magazine.  According to Sisuk Kevin, this technique was taught to Sigung Moy Yat by Grandmaster Ip Man and he learned it from Moy Yat.  This technique is to use double Lop Sao or Jeet Sao to trap both of opponent’s arms then do a high kick to his chin or jaw.  A kick to the chin or jaw could be a devastating blow.  (see Note 1)  Interesting enough, 6 years later in 2010 in aforementioned movie, one can see that technique.  (see Note 2)  

At present, my personal view is – When the opportunity presents itself, I will certainly do high kicks to attack the head or upper torso.  Besides what Sisuk demonstrated in the article, followings are some examples of what I consider as opportune time to do high kicks.  When my opponent is not doing a good job to protect his head or rib cage and drops his hands constantly.  Or, when he does a lot of bobbing and weaving.  Or, he tries to do a takedown on me with his head exposed.  Lastly, my opponent has a tendency of slowly bringing his punch back to guard his rib cage, then I might throw a timely kick to that vulnerable target.  The rules or the conceptions are there for a reason.  Kicks to the lower part of the body is more efficient and safe to do.  However, when the opportunity is right, we can break the rule.  From the tactical point of view, if my opponent thinks Wing Chun has no high kicks, then the success rate of my high kicks would go way up.

I am not here to persuade anybody.  If someone still believes Wing Chun practitioners should not do high kicks.  I can respect that.  However, unless we learn Wing Chun is to fight with another Wing Chun man or woman, we should all learn how to defend high kicks.  Many martial arts have destructive high kicks that could easily knock someone out cold.  To me, more importantly, we need to learn and practice how to defend high kicks.  Above are three examples of how to defend high kicks.

Note 1:  High kicks to the chin or jaw have been proven very effective in fights.  Followings are two example from UFC fights.

Anderson Silva knockouts Vitor Belfort with a front kick

Lyoto Machida knockouts Randy Couture

Note 2.  Following is a link to the fight scence.  The high kick is at 0:08 of the video.
