我的詠春拳【少林寺】My Wing Chun “ Shaolin Temple ”

這個部落格除了主要寫我對詠春拳的看法外,它還充當我自己詠春之旅/習武及教學過程的記錄。當在整理之前寫的一些文章時,看到我的詠春拳【少林寺】」不禁勾起回憶也想起回台教拳的初衷。我重新把這文章發佈在下面。自從寫完這篇文章後這些年,師父的武館已經從後院搬到阿罕布拉市(Alhambra)一間寬敞又舒適的房子而他的詠春拳也經由好幾個師兄弟已在世界各地開枝散葉。而我也於台灣默默的耕耘了數年,希望不管教學的酸甜苦辣、歲數的增長、及身體長年的病痛,我還能夠保留著最初的理想沒變 - 把在海外用汗水和淚水學到得這麼好的詠春拳在這片土地上傳承下去。

I write this blog mainly to share my view of Wing Chun.  But, it also acts as a record of my Wing Chun journey.  When I was going through some of the articles that I wrote, I have found "My Wing Chun "Shaolin Temple," which I re-post below.  Since I wrote this article, Sifu's school has moved from the backyard to a spacious and comfy house in Alhambra and many of his students have been spreading his Wing Chun in different parts of the world.  After teaching here in Taiwan for several years now, I hope I still keep my initial ideal intact - to pass down the Wing Chun that I had learned in the USA, with sweat and tears, despite the agonies of teaching, aging and the pains and aches in my body.

我的詠春拳【少林寺My  Wing Chun “ Shaolin Temple ”

2010/04/14 12:23

當我小時候,像許多男孩一樣,我喜歡看功夫電影和讀武俠小說。當然,我也夢想著去類以少林寺的地方追隨武功蓋世的大師學習功夫。當升學的壓力落在我的肩膀,去少林寺學武的夢想也只成了一場夢。直到4年前,我終於有機會成為師傅林文學(Gary Lam)的入室弟子並且集中精力整天學習詠春拳。我每週訓練 7天,除了吃飯和睡覺外,功夫是我的生活一切。雖然那樣的訓練對身體和心理負擔都具有其挑戰性,畢竟我已不是2030多歲了,然而即使至今我仍然懷念那段時光。我常半開玩笑地說那段時期是我的“少林歲月”。
Growing up like many boys, I enjoyed watching Kung Fu movies and reading Kung Fu novels.  And, of course, I used to dream to train Kung Fu at places like the Shaolin Temple under a master who would pass down all his unparallel skills to me.  When the pressure of getting good scores at school and preparing to get into a college started landing on my little shoulders, the dream of studying at Shaolin, well, it became just a dream.  Until 4 years ago, I had an opportunity to study full time with Sifu Gary Lam as a private student.  I trained seven days a week, besides sleeping and eating, all I did everyday was Kung Fu.  Although it was physically and mentally challenging, after all I wasn’t in my  twenties or thirties anymore, even as of today I still miss that period of time.  I fondly call that period as my time at the “ Shaolin Temple .”

《河南嵩山》 Henan Song Mountain 師傅的武館位於加州洛杉磯外的一個叫做蒙特利公園的城鎮。通往位於師傅家後院的武館的小徑。  The school is located outside of Los Angeles in California in a city called Monterey Park .  The path to the school behind Sifus house.

《方丈》“Abbot 雖然師傅是國際著名的詠春拳師傅,他是一個非常平易近人又幽默風趣的人。我們上課時經常可以聽到笑聲四起。 Although Sifu is a renowned Wing Chun master in the world, he is a very approachable and humorous man. One can hear laughters during the class all the time.

《藏經閣》 Library of Kung Fu Books  所有武館的課程和一些詠春拳概念都清楚列在牆上。師傅用一個非常有系統的方法來教導他的學生,每個人都知道學習到那裡,也知道他們未來將學習什麼。所有師傅的DVD也列在牆上。The schools curriculum and some Wing Chun concepts are clearly listed on the wall.  Everyone knows where they stand in the system.  All Sifu’s DVD are listed also on the wall.

《三十六房》《木人巷》  36 Chambers and Wooden Man Alley  武館有木人樁,腳樁,棍樁,刀樁,沙包...和最有名的床墊。從第一天學習小念頭和踢腳樁至《頂房》的八斬刀,學生在每個階段都會學習不同的技能。武館裡有一棵大的橘子樹,我們休息時經常會拔樹上的橘子來和師傅一起吃。The school has wooden dummies, kicking dummy, pole dummies, sand bags and the most famous mattress.  Sifu uses a systemic way to teach Wing Chun.  From learning Siu Nim Tao and kicks on the kicking dummy to Butterfly Knives, Sifu uses a very systemic approach to teach his students.   There is a big orange tree.  Often we will eat the organs from the tree with Sifu while taking a break.

《長住院》 Monks Living Quarter  師傅的後院有一個小房子供他的入室弟子居住。到目前為止,有來自德國,英國,希臘,加拿大,阿根廷…等和從美國其他州來的學生已經在那裡住過。Sifu has a small house for his private students to stay.  So far, there are students from Germany , UK , Greece , Canada , Argentina and students from other states that have stayed there.

《下山》 Leaving the Temple  據傳說在古代少林僧人準備離開寺廟時雙臂要烙上左青龍右白虎才算「出師」, 也證明他們是從少林出來的才能夠下山走江湖。而師傅的武館以發證書來代表學生的程度。對我個這學藝不精的人來說,這證書不是證明我功夫的高低,而是一個小男孩終於實現他多年前學武夢想的一個重要紀念品。The legend has it that in the old days when the Shaolin monks ready to leave the temple, they would get burn marks of dragon and tiger on their forearm to prove they were from Shaolin.  I got a certificate instead.  To me, instead of proving my skill level, this certificate is an important memorabilia of a boy finally fulfilled his dream.

相關資料 Related Information
師父林文學臉書頁面(Gary Lam Wing Chun Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/garylamwc
師父林文學網站(仍在興建中)Gary Lam Wing Chun official Website(under construction): http://www.garylamwingchun.com
師父林文學DVD (Sifu Gary Lam DVD): http://www.cranesproduction.com
師傅林文學簡介  Brief Intro of Sifu Gary Lam
林文學詠春拳介紹 Gary Lam Wing Chun
