詠春比武 Wing Chun Challenge Fights (Beimo)
圖一:詠春拳對蔡李佛, 武林快訊 (1961年11月6日明報-記者華天宏)
Wing Chun vs. Choy Li Fut, 11/6/1961, Mingpao newspaper
圖二:詠春拳對北少林, 武林快訊(1961年11月2日明報-記者華天宏)
Wing Chun vs Northern Shaolin, 11/2/1961, Mingpao newspaper
在電影《葉問2》和《葉問3》中都有一個報社記者的角色報導詠春和其他門派之間的比武實況。在現實生活中這些私下比武切磋有一段期間在香港確實經常發生 - 在香港比武又稱「講手」,而且當地報紙也會做報導。然而與電影劇情不同的是這些比武是由葉問宗師的徒弟或徒孫所參與。其中有一人最為突出。有人說他有50、60場比武全勝戰績。又有人說他應有超過百場比武。因此,他獲得了一個外號-「講手王」。很多人公認他是詠春拳在香港打響名聲最大的功臣之一。他就是師公黃淳樑。師公黃淳樑為人低調很少談到自己的比武往事。然而在一些詠春書籍或網路文章不難找到描述他一些比武的經過。聽說他的一些比武也都會有記者在場並將過程刊登在第二天的報紙上。可惜的是可能是因為年代久遠,我還無緣看到關於他比武的任何新聞剪報。感謝那些保存與分享以上二則新聞剪報的人,讓像我這樣的詠春拳愛好者能對當時比武的新聞報導有一個大致的概念。也是詠春拳歷史的驚鴻一瞥。
1. 詠春拳對北螳螂 - 非常罕見的60年代香港天台比武影片,此片中的詠春同門為黃淳樑師公的首徒胡鎮南師伯。
2. 連接詠春拳對蔡李佛拳詳細新聞內容轉載 (在頁面底部)
3. 《訪黃淳梁求証講手實錄》
Wing Chun Challenge Fights (Beimo)
In the movies,”Ip Man 2” and “Ip Man 3”, they had a reporter
character to report the challenge fights between Wing Chun and other styles. In the real life, these fights did happen
during that period of Hong Kong and many of them were reported on the local
newspapers. However, the fights were
participated by Ip Man's students or grand students. Among them, one stood out the most. Some say he hand over 50 or 60 fights. Some say he had over 100 fights. Thus, he gained a nick name - the King of
Talking Hands. He is my Sigung Wong Shun
Leung. Many people credit Sigung Wong
for the popularity of Wing Chun in Hong Kong due to his success in those
challenge fights. He was a very low-key
person who seldom talked about his challenge fights. One can find books or articles online that
contain recount of some of his fights.
Some of his fights were attended by a reporter who would publish a story
on the next day's newspaper.
Unfortunately, may be due to this was at over 50 years ago, I have yet
to come across any news clip about his fights.
Thanks to those people who share these news clips, so Wing Chun fanatics
like me have a chance to get a glimpse of the Wing Chun history. Also gave us a rough idea of how
the reports might look like for Wong Shun Leung fights. Hopefully, one day we get to see reports on
Wong Shung Leung's fights.
After Bruce Lee took up Wing Chun, Wong Shun Leung was the notary;
and for all intents and purposes Lee’s corner man, at his first fight. Under Wong's instruction Lee won this fight
eventually which had a tremendous effect on his future growth in
martial arts.
rare challenge fight video from the 60’s.
Wong Shun Leung's most senior disciple Wu Chan Nam fighting (Beimo) with
a Northern Mantis practitioner on the rooftop.
In the movies,”Ip Man 2” and “Ip Man 3”, they had a reporter
character to report the challenge fights between Wing Chun and other styles. In the real life, these fights did happen
during that period of Hong Kong and many of them were reported on the local
newspapers. However, the fights were
participated by Ip Man's students or grand students. Among them, one stood out the most. Some say he hand over 50 or 60 fights. Some say he had over 100 fights. Thus, he gained a nick name - the King of
Talking Hands. He is my Sigung Wong Shun
Leung. Many people credit Sigung Wong
for the popularity of Wing Chun in Hong Kong due to his success in those
challenge fights. He was a very low-key
person who seldom talked about his challenge fights. One can find books or articles online that
contain recount of some of his fights.
Some of his fights were attended by a reporter who would publish a story
on the next day's newspaper.
Unfortunately, may be due to this was at over 50 years ago, I have yet
to come across any news clip about his fights.
Thanks to those people who share these news clips, so Wing Chun fanatics
like me have a chance to get a glimpse of the Wing Chun history. Also gave us a rough idea of how
the reports might look like for Wong Shun Leung fights. Hopefully, one day we get to see reports on
Wong Shung Leung's fights.
After Bruce Lee took up Wing Chun, Wong Shun Leung was the notary;
and for all intents and purposes Lee’s corner man, at his first fight. Under Wong's instruction Lee won this fight
eventually which had a tremendous effect on his future growth in
martial arts.
rare challenge fight video from the 60’s.
Wong Shun Leung's most senior disciple Wu Chan Nam fighting (Beimo) with
a Northern Mantis practitioner on the rooftop.
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