Pakorn 教練的擂台捷報 Report of Coach Pakorn’s Ring Victories
十分高興Pakorn(帕坤)教練在上星期天9月30日的"All-Star Fight
2" (泰拳全明星賽 2) 獲得二連勝。因為第一場"All-Star Fight"
) 辦得相當的成功,主辦人Buakaw
Banchamek (播求)在30天後就辦了"All-Star Fight 2"”(泰拳全明星賽 2)。教練Pakorn再次受邀出賽與身高比他高18公分的一名烏克蘭選手,Igor Liubchenka (伊戈爾),交手。儘管雙方身高差異很大,在第一回合Pakorn教練就能夠很好地掌控與對手距離。 他重複利用他凌厲的後腳低掃腿攻擊Igor的前腿/左腿。 在第一回合快結束之前,Igor的前腿開始一跛一跛地迫使他不得不換架 (換用右腿在前),以避免Pakorn教練低掃腿對他的左腿造成進一步傷害。三回合後Pakorn教練以分數獲勝。從我和Pakorn教練的自由對打經驗是他的後腳低掃腿的速度真是快得驚人,再加上要注意他的來拳和他的假動作,這使得他的低掃腿真的是防不勝防。即使對手能抬腳擋到他的低掃腿, Pakorn教練他告訴我『沒關係,我會用力踢開對手的格擋腿。』擋幾次這樣強勁的重腳,由於小腿疼痛的關係,對手可能就不想再去擋或開始跛腳不能正常行走。
happy for Coach Pakorn's second wins with the "All-Star Fight 2" this
past Sunday. Because the first
"All-Star Fight" was a huge success, Buakaw Banchamek, the promoter
and fighter, arranged "All-Star Fight 2" on September 30 four weeks
after the first installment. Coach Pakorn was invited back to fight a Ukraine
fighter, Igor Liubchenka, who is 18 centimeters taller. Despite the huge disparity in height, Coach
Pakorn was able to control the fight range well in the first round. He repeatedly utilized his low kicks to
attack Igor's lead leg. Toward the end
of the round, Igor was limping and had to switch stance to avoid further damage
to his left leg. Based on my own sparring
experience with Coach Pakorn is his rear low kick is amazingly fast when
coupled with punches and fakes makes his low kicks really hard to block. Even when the opponent can block his rear low
kicks with his own leg, Coach Pakorn told me:” I would just try to kick through
the opponent's blocking leg anyway.”
Blocking few of Coach Pakorn’s low kicks, due to the pain around the
calf area, even the toughest opponents don't want to block his kicks anymore or
would start limping with that leg.
圖片來源 Photography credit: All Star Fight, Pakorn PKYOKKAOSaenchaiGym
"All-Star Fight 2" 海報 Poster
Pakorn教練與對手Igor Liubchenka
比賽的精采片段 All-Star Fight 2 Clip of Coach Pakorn
To learn more about Coach Pakorn please check out following article.
August 24, 2017
賀Pakorn教練在All-Star Fight (泰拳全明星賽) 中獲勝!Coach Pakorn won at the All-Star Fight!
我的泰拳教練Pakorn(帕坤)上週日(8/20)在曼谷舉行的首屆All-Star Fight(泰拳全明星賽)中贏得了他最新的勝利。包含這場65公斤級比賽Pakorn教練的戰績共229場;勝181場-負43場-平手5場。這次的All-Star Fight(泰拳全明星賽) 共有16名世界級泰拳選手進行了八場比賽; 包括也是該賽事的主辦人Buakaw Banchamek(播求)。Pakorn教練和Buakaw (播求)的比賽是當晚最後的兩場重頭戲也都非常精采。Pakorn教練主宰了和來自巴西的Julio Lobo的整場比賽最後通過判定獲得勝利。在壓軸賽中Buakaw (播求) 在第一回合剩下19秒時用一記左勾拳KO了他的對手。
Muay Thai coach Pakorn won his latest fight by decision in the inaugural All-Star
Fight which was held in Bangkok last Sunday (8/20). The All-Star Fight had eight fights with 16
world-class fighters; including Buakaw Banchamek who was also the promoter for
the event. Coach Pakorn and Buakaw’s
fights were both spectacular. Coach
Pakorn dominated the whole fight against and was awarded with a win by
decision. Buakaw won his fight by KO with
a left hook in the first round.
圖片來源Photography credit: All-Star Fight
Pakorn教練的對手是來自巴西的Julio Lobo。
Coach Pakorn’s opponent is
Julio Lobo from Brazil.
Fight(泰拳全明星賽) 宣傳海報 All-Star Fight
賽後Pakorn教練和隊友/訓練夥伴Saenchai(善猜; 在照片右側者)一起合照。
Coach Pakorn and his Yokkoa teammate Saenchai.
這場比賽的精采片段 All-Star Fight
Clip of Coach Pakorn
Note: To learn more about Coach Pakorn please check out following article.
03, 2017
恭喜Pakorn教練贏得兩條金腰帶!Two new championship belts for Coach Pakorn!
恭喜Pakorn教練上週六擊敗了法國拳王Morgan Adrar贏得了兩條金腰帶 - 世界泰拳理事會( WMC, World Muaythai Council) 67公斤級世界拳王金腰帶和Phoenix Championship冠軍腰帶。 Pakorn教練常以其犀利的拳法和兇猛的低掃腿在職業拳台上過關斬將。他曾經針對這兩個方面給予我特訓讓我受益良多。他無疑是一個世界頂尖的職業泰拳選手,對我來說同等重要的是他同時也是一個很棒的教練。
Congratulations to Coach Pakorn for defeating Morgan Adrar from France last Saturday to win two new championship belts; World Muaythai Council (WMC) 67kgs. world title and Phoenix Championship. Coach Pakorn is a rare breed of a world-class professional Muay Thai fighter and a fantastic coach at the same time. I learned a lot from him.
圖片來源Photography credit: Phoenix Championship, Pakorn, Muay Thai Kickboxing Grand Prix Ltd.
圖片來源Photography credit: Phoenix Championship, Pakorn, Muay Thai Kickboxing Grand Prix Ltd.
Pakorn vs Adrar
Thai Grand Prix在倫敦對上英國冠軍Charlie
Peters,2017年7月15日。Coach Pakorn’s next fight is in Muay
Thai Kickboxing Grand Prix, London, against Charlie Peters, July 15th,
To learn more about Coach Pakorn please check out following article.
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