王者歸來 Return of the Champions

Sam-A教練ONE Championship比賽
照片來源Photo CreditONE Championship

Sam-A教練ONE Championship精采比賽 Sam-A Gaiyanghadao vs. Joseph Lasiri

Sam-A教練賽前訓練影片 Sam-A Training Clip

Nong-O教練將決戰法比奥·品卡(Fabio Pinca) Nong-O vs Pinca
照片來源Photo CreditMuayTies


許多泰拳迷期待已久Sam-A教練的比賽終於在今年初在一個比原先預期的泰國著名泰拳體育館擂台大上許多的平台上舉行。這次比賽是在ONE Championship鐵籠內戴4盎司MMA的拳套以全泰拳的規則下進行。ONE Championship是在亞洲最大的格鬥運動賽事。它的賽事在全球128個國家播出。Sam-A教練的對手是來自意大利WMC泰拳世界冠軍的Joseph Lasiri。在第二回合Sam-A教練以技術性擊倒(T.K.O.) 瀟灑得贏了比賽。比賽結束後,我發了個簡訊向他道賀並問他是否想繼續比賽或是要退休了。他表示如果可能的話他想繼續比賽。看起來將來仍然能夠看到他的精彩的比賽。

在教練Sam-A的比賽結束不久後,ONE Championship宣布推出ONE超級系列(ONE Super Series) 全球純站立技賽事包括來自泰拳,自由搏擊/踢拳,跆拳道,空手道,功夫,散打,緬甸拳(Lethwei),馬來武術(Silat)等等。」此外,ONE Championship已經和一些世界拳壇最頂尖的站立技選手簽約在同一個聲明中,ONE Championship宣布了於420日在馬尼拉兩場令人興奮的站立技超級巨星比賽。多次泰拳世界冠軍Nong-O Gaiyanghadao255-54-1平)將與多次泰拳世界冠軍法比奥·品卡(Fabio Pinca)99-23-4平)決戰。Nong-O是我的第一位泰拳教練。Nong-O教練是最有聲望及競爭最激烈的泰國體育記者協會年度最佳泰拳手(Sports Writers Fighter of the Year Award) 大獎得主。在Nong-O教練活躍於泰拳擂台年代被認為如果不是世界最好泰拳選手也會是世界最好的選手之一。至於他的法國籍對手法比奥·品卡,有人認為他現在是世界上最好的非泰籍泰拳選手。法比奥·品卡曾戰勝了泰拳巨星善猜Saenchai和瀟殺狂(Sudsakorn Sor. Klinmee)。法比奥·品卡原定於去年年底與播求(Buakaw) ALL STAR Fight比賽。但是,他因在受傷而不得不退賽。Nong-O教練在過去三年專注於教拳沒有再出賽。三年來他第一次回到格鬥場就遇上法比奥·品卡這樣強硬的對手比賽精彩可期。第二場讓人期待的比賽將是由多次自由搏擊世界冠軍「醫生」喬治·佩托西安(Giorgio Petroysan)對上另一世界冠軍獅王」喬·納塔吾特(Jo Nuttawut)


Return of the Champions

Finally, the long waited fight of Sam-A was announced.  To many fans’ pleasant surprise, his fight was on a much bigger platform than originally expected.  It was at ONE Championship; the largest combat sports in Asia, and its fights are broadcast in 128 countries around the world.  Coach Sam-A fought in ONE Championship cage with 4 oz. MMA gloves under full Muay Thai rules inside the cage.  His opponent was the WMC world champion.  Coach Sam-A won the fight by TKO in the second round.  After the fight, I sent a message to congratulate him and asked him whether he wants to continue to fight or retire.  He expressed he wants to keep fighting if it’s possible.  Looks like we would be able to see him in action in the future.

Shortly after coach Sam-A’s fight, ONE Championship announced its launch of ONE Super Series, “a global super league that will feature the world’s greatest strikers from Muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, kung fu, Sanda, Lethwei, Silat, and more.”  On the same announcement, ONE Championship announced two exciting fights for ONE: HEROES OF HONOR in Manila on April 20.  Multiple-time Muay Thai world champion Nong-O Gaiyanghadao (255-54-1) will compete against multiple-time Muay Thai world champion Fabio Pinca (99-23-4).  Coach Nong-O is my first Muay Thai coach.  He is considered one of the best Muay Thai fighters, if not the best, of his era.  Fabio Pinca fought and won Muay Thai greats such as Saenchai and Sudsakorn Sor. Klinmee.  Pinca was scheduled to fight Buwcau the end of last year.  But, he had to withdraw from the fight due to an injury.  Coach Nong-O hasn’t fought in the last three years.  I am very excited about his return to the fight scene against a tough opponent like Pinca.  Second great fight on the same card will be Legendary multiple-time world champion Giorgio Petroysan against Lion Fight world champion Jo Nattawut.

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