向傳奇學習! II-「武者修行」 Learning From A Legend! II
Coach Orono training Japanese superstar Tenshin
Evolve MMA教練群訓練「神童」那須川天心的影片;
Evolve MMA coaches trained Tenshin
Nasukawa; coach Orono’s portion starts at 2:00.
Video of Coach Orono training Tenshin on
A selfie after class
of Coach Orono and me
圖片來源Source:Orono Wor Petchpun
「同場加映」: 另一位泰拳傳奇Sam-A教練示範泰拳在街頭上的應用;
Muay Thai legend Sam-A shows applications for the street
MMA的武學修行之旅; 這次重點訓練項目為泰拳和巴西柔術,恰巧有位來自日本的格鬥超級巨星也在那裡作訓練為他的下一場比賽做準備。他的名字是那須川天心,他的綽號有「神童」、「日本格闘技史上最高傑作」等。他年紀輕輕才19歲,自從轉戰職業賽後他已經是30場連勝。他的職業踢拳(Kickboxing)戰績是26勝-0負; 21次 KO/TKO,而他的綜合格鬥(MMA)紀錄是4勝-0負。所以有機會親眼看到他訓練的情形。有人問我跟這些傳奇世界冠軍上課的情形是怎麼樣。以上的Orono教練(全名Orono
Wor Petchpun)訓練天心的影片是很有代表性。像其他泰拳教練一樣Orono教練的教學用腳靶/拳靶教導學生泰拳技巧並同時訓練學生的力道與耐力。如果他認為學生的能力夠,他就會主動帶學生做自由對打的訓練。 他教學的風格認真會頻繁地鼓勵學生又帶點風趣。有一次上課時,Orono教練突然送給了我他在上面的影片中與天心自由對打時所帶的泰拳拳套,因為他認為我的16盎司拳套對我來說太大又太重。我受寵若驚地收下他的拳套。不能免俗地也請他在拳套上為我簽名。老實說,我還有點不捨得用它們。
1.「神童」那須川天心比賽精采片段 Tenshin Nasukawa Highlights
天心的回轉踢 Tenshin’s spectacular
besides Tenshin, another athlete Takashi Satoh (MMA record: 10-1) who is going
to compete for the title belt at Japan’s mixed martial arts promotion Pancrase
in July is also training there at the same time.
Many professional fighters around the world
have made the trip to Evolve MMA to train with its many world champions. When I was down in Singapore this year to
train Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a superstar fighter from Japan was
also there to train at the same time.
His name is Tenshin Nasusagawa, whose nickname is the “Prodigy.” Belied his young age of 19, After he turned
pro, he has gone 30-0, his professional kickboxing record is 26-0; 21 KO and
his MMA record is 4-0. People asked me
how is it like to have lessons with the legendary world champions. The video above of Coach Orono Wor Petchpun
and Tenshin is a good representation of a private class. Coach Orono teaches students techniques and
build power and stamina with the pad works like most Muay Thai coaches. If he considers the student’s skill is good
enough, he would spar with them as a way of teaching. To me at least, his teaching style is very encouraging
to students and sometimes humorous. One
day during the class, Coach Orono gave me his Muay Thai gloves, because he
thought my 16oz gloves were too big and heavy for me. I felt really flatted. Of course, I had to ask for his autograph on
the gloves.
Like my previous trips, I learned so much
from these legendary champions here and made some good friends here. Every time I come back from these trips, I
feel re-energized and even more devoted to martial arts.
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