「巨人殺手」Kaoklai Kaennorsing - - Kaoklai “Giant Killer” Kaennorsing
Mo 而獲勝。Mighty
Mo体重為130公斤約莫多了50公斤左右。(據說這張是流傳最廣的與泰拳相關的圖片。) Coach
Kaoklai knockout Mighty Mo with a kick.
Might Mo was about 50+ kg. heavier than him.
Kaoklai fought “Korean Colossus” Hong-Man Choi.
Kaoklai教練與身高198公分韓國跆拳道黑帶及全國冠軍Park Yong-Soo的比賽。
Coach Kaoklai fought Taekwondo black
belt Park Yong-Soo.
Kaoklai教練也曾對上身高196公分白俄羅斯超重量級選手Alexey Ignashov。
Coach Kaoklai faced off Alexey Ignashov,
a Belarusian Super Heavyweight kickboxer.
教練Kaoklai比賽的精彩影片Highlights of Coach Kaoklai’s Fights
Kaoklai won several world titles during his illustrious career.
圖片來源Picture sources:
Kaoklai Kaennorsing, Evolve MMA, Napi Maflas, YouTube
「巨人殺手」Kaoklai Kaennorsing
- Kaoklai “Giant Killer” Kaennorsing
我在Evolve MMA的教練 III - My Coaches at Evolve
Hoost,Peter Aerts,Buakaw (播求),Andy Hug,Masato
(魔裟斗)....... 等。其中Kaoklai Kaennorsing (中譯: 考克萊)
Killer”, 又被稱為「飛腿王子」) 的格鬥傳奇選手。他得到這個「巨人殺手」的綽號是由於他在K-1時期用他高超的拳技多次與身材比他高大許多的對手比賽。沒想到多年以後,我很幸運地能夠與他學習泰拳。感謝他教導我泰拳技巧和自由對打外還傳授了我他的「以小搏大」的心得。Kaoklai教練從八歲起就開始參賽有超過200場泰拳比賽的經驗。Kaoklai教練在他輝煌的職業格鬥生涯中贏得了多項世界冠軍。Kaoklai教練為二次「瑞佳達蒙泰拳體育館」(Rajadamnern)
泰拳世界冠軍,WBC泰拳世界冠軍和K-1世界大賽 (World Grand Prix) 冠軍。Kaoklai教練和其他幾位著名泰拳拳王善猜 (Saenchai) 、勒德斯拉 (Lerdsila) 和Somrak都是来自同一個泰國拳館Jocky Gym的師兄弟. (注)
注:在之前的文章中提過了善猜 (Saenchai) 和勒德斯拉
我在Evolve MMA的教練
我在Evolve MMA的教練
During the peak period of K-1’s popularity,
the kickboxing tournament created many legends whom people still talk about or miss
till now, legends such as Ernesto Hoost, Peter Aerts, Buakaw, Andy Hug, Masato
…etc. Among them, Kaoklai Kaennorsing left
an indelible impression in my mind.
Coach Kaoklai is a fighting legend in the K-1 known as the “Giant
Killer.” He got this nickname due to his
several fights with opponents who were significantly bigger or taller than him. Years later, I was fortunate enough to learn
Muay Thai from him at the Evolve MMA. I
am grateful to him for teaching me Muay Thai techniques, sparring and also
sharing his experience of how to fight with taller and bigger opponents with me. Coach Kaoklai started fighting since eight
years old and had over 200 Muay Thai fights.
Coach Kaoklai won several world titles during his illustrious career. He is a two times Rajadamnern Muay Thai World
Champion, WBC Muay Thai World Champion and K-1 World Grand Prix Champion. Coach Kaoklai is from the same famous Jocky
Gym in Thailand as a few other Muay Thai legends such as Saenchai, Somrak and
Note: Both Saenchai and Lerdsila were
mentioned in previous articles and both of them still are very active in the
Muay Thai and/or kickboxing scenes.
Somrak is an outstanding boxer and Muay Thai fighter. He is also the
first Thai athlete who won an Olympic Gold medal.
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