世界冠軍的教練 Coach of World Champions
GSP是一位真正的武術家。 即使退休後他仍繼續練習。(左邊為GSP; 右邊是Yod教練)
GSP is a true martial artist. Even after he retired, he keeps on training. (GSP
on the left; Kru Yod on the right)
A photo taken after their training
this month. (GSP on the left; Kru Yod on the right)
A new short video about Kru Yod
圖片來源Picture sources: Evolve
MMA, Yodkunsup Por Pongsawang
上個月綜合格鬥(MMA)界有一件重大新聞 - 非常著名的格鬥選手喬治‧聖‧皮耶
(Georges St-Pierre; 簡稱為GSP) 在加拿大正式宣布退休。
GSP是UFC兩個量級的世界冠軍並被許多人公認為史上最偉大的綜合格鬥選手。 GSP的成功歸功於他天生的運動神經和後天的努力。 他成功的另一個關鍵原因是,即使在他成名之後,他願意到世界各地找最好的教練作訓練。 其中一位教練是我的格鬥站立技教練,Yodkunsup Por
Pongsawang (簡稱Yod)。 Yod教練認為是亞洲最好的立技教練之一。 除了GSP,他還指導過其他多位MMA, 自由搏擊,泰拳世界冠軍--例如UFC冠軍Rafael Dos Anjos 和 Vitor Belfort,GLORY世界冠軍Gökhan
Sakis,ONE冠軍世界冠軍Angela Lee和Rizin冠軍那須川天心等人。可以和這些世界冠軍們一樣擁有同一個教練讓我深深地感到與有榮焉。
注: GSP和Yod教練的訓練新影片
There was a big news last month in the MMA
world – GSP (Georges St-Pierre) announced
his retirement. GSP was a UFC two
divisions world champion and was considered by many the GOAT (greatest of all
time) in the sport. GSP’s success was
due to his athletic ability and hard work.
The other key reason for his success is he was willing to travel
worldwide to train with the best coaches that he could find. One of these coaches is my striking coach,
Master Yod (Yodkunsup Por Pongsawang). Master
Yod is considered one of the best striking coach in Asia. Besides GSP, he has trained many other world
champions – like UFC champions Rafael Dos Anjos and Vitor Belfort, Glory world champion Gökhan
Sakis, ONE championship world champion Angela Lee and Rizin champion Tenshin
Nasukawa. It is a real honor to have him
as my coach.
Note: A new video of GSP and Master Yod
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