台北詠春拳教授課程 Taipei Wing Chun Curriculum

(2017/7/25 修正 Revised)


個人訓練 Individual Excises
定步拳樁Hand Techniques (Stationary and with Shifting) :
日字衝拳 Straight Punch
日字衝拳加轉馬 Straight Punch with Shifting 
標手 Bil Sao
綑手 Kwan Sao
膀護手 Bong & Wu Sao
耕枕手 Kaan/Chum Sao
活步拳樁 Moving Punches:
擺樁 Bai Jong
日字衝拳 Straight Punch
攤打 Tan Dar
拍打 Pak Dar
拉打 Lop Dar
耕打 Kaan Dar
六踢法 Six Kicks:
前踢 Straight Kick I
掃腳 Sweep
正腳 Straight Kick II
橫腳 Side Kick
連環三腳 I Three Continuous Kicks I
連環三腳 II Three Continuous Kicks II
吊球打擊練習 Tennis Ball Punching Exercises
「影子」練習 “Shadow” Training

雙人訓練 Partner Excises
拳消拳 Punch parries/counters Punch 
拍手 Pak Sao
拉手 I (含「梅花」手法) Lop Sao I
單黐手 Dan Chi Sao
自由單黐手 Free Dan Chi Sao
盤手/碌手 Poon Sao/Look Sao
接手 Jip Saoo (Catching Hand)
走手 Jau Sa (Running Hand)
推馬 Toi Ma (Push Horse)
四方位黐手 Four Corners Chi Sao
上馬攤手 Double Tan
連環膀手(雙膀手) Double Bong
連環綑手(雙綑手/三綑手) Double Quan/Triple Quan
攤手變膀手 Tan To Bong Sao
單打 Single Hand Strike
上蓋手打 One Hand Covers Two
「鑰匙」 The “Keys”
一招攻防 One-Step Chi Sao
側身拉手/拉手 II Side Lop Sao/Lop Sao II 
側身拍手 Side Pak Sao
追形練習 Facing Drill
連環過手 Seven Hands
基本過手技能培養訓練 Basic Kuo Sao Skill Development Exercises
進階追形練習 Advanced Facing Drill
正身和錯身膀手 Correct and Wrong Bong
分手 Double Single Chi Sao
自由黐手輔助練習 Photo Drill
釘手拉手打 Ding, Ding, Lop, Lop
標手拉手打 Bil, Bil, Lop, Lop
拖手 Pulling Hands 
迫身打 Closing
錯身內拍手 Wrong Inside Pak Sao
十二拍手 Twelve Hand Pak Sao
欄手應用 Lan Sao Applications
封手練習 Fung Sao/Trapping Hands
正身內拍手(包括「封喉」) Inside-Correct Pak Sao (incl. Fung Hao)
四種消打同時的手法練習 Four Actions
進階接手/走手 Advanced Jip Sao/Jau Sao
個別詠春手法的特練 Selected Wing Chun Technique Practice
防守手法的加強練習 Defensive Techniques Training
時間點和節奏的練習 Drill for Timing and Rhythm
處理非詠春手法的練習 Drill for Countering Non Wing Chun Techniques

詠春三套路 Three Empty Hand Forms
小念頭 Siu Nim Tao
尋橋 Chum Kui
標指 Bil Gee

自由黐手 Free Chi Sao
一般黐手 Regular Chi Sao
長橋黐手 Long Bridge Chi Sao

木人樁法 Entire Wooden Dummy Set

拳靶訓練 Focus Mitt Training

步法練習 Footwork Drill

過手/自由對打訓練 Sparring

格鬥戰術 I Fighting Tactics I

防身術 I Self Defense I


雙黐手上手打 Two Hands On Top Chi Sao
雙黐手下手打 Two Hands Under Chi Sao
破壞平衡/重心點 Breaking Balance/Power Points
詠春八踢法 Eight Wing Chun Kicking
手腳十招 Ten Hand/Leg Actions
控制中線 Controlling Centerline
六種抱排手 Six Po Pai Hand Training
抱排手自由對練 Freestyle Po Pai Hands
正錯膀抱排手(另含其他手法) Correct and Wrong Bong Po Pai (incl. other Po Pai Hands)
過手技能培養訓練 Kuo Sao Skill Development Exercises
八個階段腳法訓練 Eight Stages of Kicking Skill
掃腳訓練 Sweeps
黐腳 Chi Gerk
腿法的時間點和節奏練習 Drill for Kicking Timing and Rhythm
第二級封手練習 Level Two Fung Sao/Trapping Hands
擒拿訓練 Chin Na Training
肘法 Elbow Strike Training
膝法 Knee Strike Training
纏抱距離(內圍戰)特訓 Clinching Distance Training

高階推馬/變中線 Advanced Push Horse/Changing Centerline

六點半棍 Dragon Pole/ Luk Dim Poon Gwan Training:
套路 Form
棍樁 Pole Dummy
黐棍 Chi Kwan
棍對棍自由對打 Pole vs Pole Sparring

功力訓練 Kung Lei/Internal Power Training
小念頭功力訓練 Siu Nim Tao
箭拳 Arrow Punches
棍的功力輔助訓練 Power Training with the Pole
腿的功力訓練 Leg Training
「盤手」訓練 ”Poon Sao” Training

拳靶訓練 Focus Mitt Training

過手/自由對打訓練 (、摔、)  Sparring (w/Punches, Kicks, Elbows, Knees, Throws and Joint-Locks)

詠春對異種武術的加強訓練 Wing Chun vs Other Martial Arts Training

格鬥戰術II Fighting Tactics II

防身術 II Self Defense II


八斬刀 Baat Jaam Do
勁道訓練 Strength Training
散式 Individual Techniques
套路 Form
刀和棍對練 Knives vs Pole Training
黐刀 Chi Do
刀對刀自由對打 Knives vs Knives Sparring
刀對棍自由對打 Knives vs Pole Sparring

格鬥策略 Fighting Strategies

過手/自由對打訓練  Sparring

防身術 III Self Defense III

(2017/7/25 修正 Revised)

Taipei Wing Chun/Coach Huang maintains the right to adjust the curriculum and teaching sequence when it’s necessary.

Students need to pass a thorough exam in order to advance to the next level.

台北詠春拳教學/課程 Wing Chun Class
「有燈就有人」- 詠春拳教學When the lantern is lit, people will come

【傳承】《台北詠春拳》認可的教練名單 List of Coaches of "Taipei Wing Chun"
