黃教練簡介 Coach Huang Introduction

黃教練簡介 Coach Huang Introduction

2009/06/06 15:28

教練武術背景: 1997年開始他的詠春拳訓練。除詠春拳之外,也曾鑽研陳式太極拳多年。 此外還曾涉獵泰拳、巴西柔術、綜合格鬥、菲律賓武術、以色列武術、少林寺功夫及空手道等。

Instructor Background: Coach Huang started his Wing Chun training from 1997.  In addition to Wing Chun, Coach Alan is also an instructor in Chen style Tai Chi and has dabbled in Muay Thai, BJJ, MMA, Kali, Krav MagaShaolin Kung Fu and Karate, etc .

我和師父林文學 (Sifu Gary Lam and I)

(Chen Taiji Sigung Chen Xiaowang and I)

  台北詠春拳教學/課程 Wing Chun Class

「有燈就有人」詠春拳教學When the lantern is lit, people will come

台北詠春拳教授課程 Taipei Wing Chun Curriculum

kata2009/08/27 23:02 回應

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