【傳承】『台北詠春拳』認可的教練名單 List of Coaches of "Taipei Wing Chun"

葉問宗師 Grandmaster Ip Man

葉問宗師在香港的兩位親傳弟子: 師公黃淳樑 (); 師公梅逸()
Two disciples of Grandmaster Ip Man: Wong Shung Leung (right): Moy Yat (left)

『台北詠春拳』認可的教練及其聯絡方式  "Taipei Wing Chun" Coaches

台北市 Taipei City
中山/大同區 Zongshan/Datong District
劉教練 (Coach David Liu)

中山區 Zongshan District
程教練 (Coach Cheng, Yi-Jhong)
聯絡電話: 0939-020-666

基隆市 Keelung City
張教練 (Coach Unice Chang)

新北市 New Taipei City 
永和區 Yonghe District
陳教練 (Coach Henry Chen)

三重區 Sanchong District
陳教練 (Coach Chen)

桃園市 Taoyuan City
陳教練 (Coach Frank Chen)

新竹市 Hsinchu City
Stevens教練 (Coach John Stevens)

花蓮市 Hualien City
周教練 (Coach Joe Chou)
聯絡電話: 0910-551-325

*謝教練 (Coach Mike Hsieh) 目前僅在公家機關或企業單位授課。
聯絡電郵: mikeshieh@hotmail.com


了解本身的武術傳承,除了學習懂得飲水知源感恩圖報之外,更有承先啟後繼往開來之意。「其實天下之大,又何止南北 真管用的話,南拳又何止北傳。」這是電影《一代宗師》裡的葉問一句有關武術傳承的談話。在真實生活中,葉問宗師從佛山把詠春拳帶到香港並發揚光大。經由葉問宗師一些弟子的努力使詠春拳發展成為世界上最多人習練的中華武術之一。黃淳樑師公和梅逸師公就是其中兩名重要的弟子。有「講手王」之稱的黃淳樑師公,早年經由許多次比武讓詠春拳聲名大噪。黃淳樑師公的高徒,也是我師父,林文學現在都仍然在美國洛杉磯傳授詠春也常去歐洲教拳。梅逸師公則於葉問宗師去世不久之後到了美國紐約推廣詠春拳,現今梅逸詠春傳人遍佈北美。梅逸師公把葉問宗師在香港教給他的詠春拳全都傳授給我的另一個詠春師父陳雄。數年前我把他們的詠春拳帶回來台北開始授課。現在我的一些學生也已經在台灣的幾個不同地方教拳讓更多的人有機會學習我們的詠春。從佛山到香港。從香港再到美國。再從美國到台北。詠春拳不僅是「管用」,也讓我的生命更加充實。在詠春的傳承上,我算盡了一點點棉薄之力吧?有興趣的人請查看上面我們教練的名單。

Our Lineage

Grandmaster Ip Man brought Wing Chun to Hong Kong from Foshan and made it popular there.  Through some of his disciples’ efforts, Wing Chun has become one of the most practiced Chinese martial arts around the world.  Both Sigung Wong Shun Leung and Sigung Moy Yat were two important disciples.  Sigung Wong Shun Leung, a.k.a “King of Talking Hands”, made Wing Chun famous through numerous challenge fights in his early days.  Sigung Wong Shun Leung’s top disciple, my sifu, Gary Lam still teaches the art in Los Angeles and frequently goes to Europe to teach his followers there.  Sigung Moy Yat promoted Wing Chun in New York and taught what he had learned from Grandmaster Ip Man to another sifu of mine, Mickey Chan.  Several years ago I started to pass down their Wing Chun in Taipei, Taiwan.  Now, some of my students are helping me to spread the art in different parts of Taiwan.  From Foshan to Hong Kong.  From Hong Kong to the U.S.  Then, from the U.S. to Taipei.  Knowing one’s martial art lineage not only teaches us to be grateful to our ancestors and teacher, it also inspires us to carry the torch and pass down the art to the next generation.   For those who are interested in learning our Wing Chun, please check out the above list of our authorized instructors.

Wing Chun Class
Coach Huang Introduction

When the lantern is lit, people will come
