徒手對刀入門 Against Knife Attack Basics

徒手對刀入門 Against Knife Attack Basics

分類:其他 Others
2009/12/31 17:30

前些日子幾名學生表達了他們對學徒手對刀的兴趣; 大概由于近來幾個社會案件與用刀子襲擊人有關。最近終於我教他們徒手對刀防身入門知識。這事情使我想起有二位在美國著名的詠春拳老師受到邀請到美國聯邦調查局(FB)I防身。 一名學生問他們"對手若有一把刀子時怎麼辦?" 他們回答"!" 那是一個負責任的和誠實的答復。然而,若是您不能跑時, 例如在室內時,該怎麼辦? 下面有一些建議。附上從我自己的彙集85件與刀子傷人有關的臺灣社會案件的統計數字。這些數字顯示刀子是多麼危險的。

A while ago some students of mine expressed their interest in learning more about how to defend a knife attack; probably due to a few high profile cases that had involved with knife attack.  Finally I had a chance to share some of the knowledge with them.  This reminded me a story of two famous Wing Chun teachers were invited to FBI to teach a self-defense course.  One of the students asked “What if the other guy has a knife?”  They answered “Run!”  That’s a relatively responsible and honest answer.  However, what if you can’t run, for example you are inside a house?  Followings are some suggestions.  Attached are some statistics from my own research of 85 knife attack cases in Taiwan .  These number show how deadly a knife attack can be.

85件刀子傷人社會案件統計數字(Stats of Knife Attack)
死亡率(Death Rate): 40%
受傷率(Wounded Rate): 99%

前三最常用的刀子(Most Often Used Knife)
#1.水果刀 (Fruit Knife)
#2.西瓜刀 (Melon Knife)
#3.刀 (Kitchen Knife)

Knife Defense

    Run – provided you have enough time and space
    Distract him
    Use your environment.  Maneuver to a place with a large object between you and the attacker
    使用您的環境.  設法到在您和攻擊者之間有一個大物體的地方  
    Grab an improvised weapon
    Stay out the range of your opponent’s knife until you absolutely must move into range
    Accept that you will get cut
    Orient outside of your forearm toward the attacker to reduce seriousness of the cuts
    Realize that seizing the arm may require several attempts and result in multiple cuts
    Always use both arms or hands to jam the knife-bearing arm (Krav Maga on the other hand usually defend with one hand and attack with the other at the same time)
    总是使用兩胳膊或兩手堵住握著刀子胳膊 (Krav Maga通常一隻手保衛並且同時攻擊用其他手)
    Avoid getting cuts in a vital area (neck, heart, inner thigh..)
    Attempt to seize the attacker’s arm and pin it against something to stabilize the weapon
    De-fane the snake – make the attacker’s knifehand as the primary target

Fen2010/09/29 06:06 回應
我也是想 : 跑~! 能跑為什麼不先跑~!!
MR.Leo2010/01/01 00:57 回應
Wesley2009/12/31 19:11 回應


Baca2010/01/22 19:21 引用
徒手對刀入 ...《詳全文
