練功 Conditioning

練功 Conditioning

2011/01/17 09:38


『練拳不練功,到老一場空』,年的時候並不完全明白它的意思。當一個人學到很多套路,那麼他可以擊敗對手了,不是嗎?當年紀越來越大,我開始明白練功的重要。按照上述想法,即使我們能擊中對手,但如果我們的攻擊沒有什麼殺傷。那麼很多套路,非常有用嗎?有一句武術諺語形容這種情況 -「花拳繡腿」。

也許每個人「功」的定義些許不同最常見的定義就是/。個人覺得,除了/道外它包鬆柔 馬步/步法,耐力…. 通常練功非常辛苦又很調。而且,可能長時間練也看不到任何明顯的果。它不像學習套路那麼快有成就感例如要幾堂課就學會「小念頭」。  或像與同學練習黐手那麼有趣。所以,有些人忽略練功是可以理解的。

近日一個練功的故事。故事原本寓意如果你願意注意傾聽,努力得學習和訓練,你就會得到你要的。很久以前,一個年輕人去一位師父學習武功。師父年輕人想學哪種功夫。這年輕人說:「我想學習最強的武功。」師父點點頭,便開始教這年輕人。師父告訴他如何呼吸,馬步然後如何從地上力,通過身體,並手掌發。僅此而已。這個年輕人日夜練習。在此同時,師父教導其他學生許多不同武術。最後,經過 10年來,師父告訴年輕人:「你可以回家了。」年輕人感到困惑和懊惱說:「我可以回家?!我已經在這裡 10年,你什麼都沒有教我。我看你教其他的學生很多武功,但我,你教我做的是站在一個地方,呼吸和打空氣。」師父露出微笑接著帶他的學生牆的前面 師父說:「力打這牆。」年輕人很勉強得打那面牆一當他要說:然後呢?那面他面前倒塌了。這位年輕人馬上跪在師父的腳下,開始哭了起來。他終於知道他得到了他要的- 最強的武功。少林寺師父也曾告訴我們一個關於八卦掌故事。這位八卦掌師傅有一天收一個新學生。只教了這學生八卦步法。這學生不斷努力練習,且沒有任何怨言。多年後,當這名學生與人交,他發現沒有一個對手可以打他。因為他的步法已至爐火純青的境界。

如果你很幸運有一位好師父/老師教導練拳練功,你也願意刻苦不斷得練習你所學到東西; 即使它看起來似乎很簡單。有一天,在你面前的那「牆」會應而倒

When I was young, I didn’t fully understand the meaning of a Kung Fu saying – “Only training techniques/martial art forms, without training Kung, all will become nil at the end.“  The word “Kung,” as in Kung Fu, probably has no equivalent words in English.  Some people translate “Kung” into “Power” or “Strength.”  I agree “Power” or “Strength” can be “Kung,” yet to me “Kung” is more encompassing than that.  I prefer the word “Conditioning.”  Besides power, I think Kung can mean stamina, flexibility, relaxation…etc.  Many people in martial arts prefer training forms or techniques to conditioning.  It’s understandable.  It’s normally faster to learn a form or technique, so we get more satisfaction.  But, conditioning usually takes long hours to repeat a same movement or doing a same thing.  And, we could possibly not see any visible result for long time.  Let alone, conditioning can be very boring for many people.
I have read a story recently.  The original moral of the story is to listen, learn and practice hard and you will get what you ask for.  To me though, this story is also about training Kung.  Long time ago, a young man went to visit a master to learn Kung Fu.  The master asked the young man what style of kung fu he’d like to learn.  The young man replied, “I want to learn the most powerful style of kung fu.”  The master nodded and began teaching the young man.  The master taught him in proper breathing, posture, pulling energy from the earth, directing the energy through the body and to the palm.  Then he taught him how to use his intention when he delivered a palm strike with the energy.  And, that’s all.  Meanwhile, the master taught many other students, teaching them various styles of kung fu.  The young man practiced night and day.  Finally, after 10 years, the master told the young man, “You can go home now.”  The young man was confused and upset.  “What do you mean I can go home?  I’ve been here 10 years and you’ve showed me nothing.  I see you teaching other student many, many techniques, but me, all you’ve had me do is stand in one place, breathe and punch the air.”  Then, the master took his student to a brick wall.  “Strike this wall as hard as you can,” the master said.  So, the young man reluctantly struck the wall.  Instantly, the wall collapsed before him.  The young man fell at the master’s knees and began to weep.  He got what he asked for – the most powerful kung fu.    My Shaolin Sifu once told us about a Baguazhang story.  A Baguazhang Sifu one day got a new student.  For many years, this Sifu only taught the student the Baguazhang footwork.  The student kept practicing without making any complaints.  Many years later, when the student fought with other people, none of his opponent could hit him, due to his excellent footwork.
If you are lucky enough to have a good teacher and you are willing to train hard on what your teacher teaches you; even if they appear to be very simple.  Then, one day the “wall” in front of you will collapse, too.

MR.Leo2011/01/17 13:43 回應
Max2011/01/17 11:21 回應
嗯嗯  現代的人習慣速成   總希望一下子就登峰造極
往往忽略了札實的基礎  才是最重要的
unice2011/01/17 10:04 回應
心有所感 體會良多 心中只有感謝~老師給我們的那麼多
