習武與師徒情誼 Learning Kung Fu and the Sifu-Student Relationship

習武與師徒情誼 Learning Kung Fu and the Sifu-Student Relationship

2011/11/24 09:01

年輕時的黃淳樑師公和葉問宗師A young Sigung Wong Shun Leung (left) with his Sifu Grandmaster Yip Man.

年輕時的梅逸師公和葉問宗師A young Sigung Moy Yat (left) with his Sifu Grandmaster Yip Man



有一次在談論昔日和今日學習武術之間的差異時,師公梅逸透露了很少有人知道他和宗師葉問之間的一個動人故事。在某段期間宗師葉問生病了。 師公梅逸每天早上六點鐘會去宗師的家帶他一起到公園步和呼吸新鮮空氣。在公園之後,師公梅逸就帶宗師餐館吃一點東西。(照道理到餐館的費用應該都是師公梅逸付的。)然後,再宗師回家補點睡眠。這樣每天持續了數月後,葉問宗師教了師公梅逸一招。 (是的,一招!)師公黃淳樑也和葉問宗師非常近。多年來他常伴隨著宗師到許多場合。

師叔公葉正在他的葉問宗師內傳(英文書名為“Ip Man – Portrait of a kung fu master”)書上也提到的一則感人故事。八斬刀是詠春拳系統裡高深和最秘密的功夫。據說葉問宗師一生只把八斬刀傳給幾位徒弟。在他晚年,葉問宗師想把八斬刀教給一位非常忠心的徒弟。由於練和教八斬刀需要大量的精力,這名徒弟注意到葉問宗師在幾次八斬刀教學後都是精疲力盡的。因此這位徒弟提出了一個工作上的藉口不繼續學習八斬刀,以避免傷害宗師的身體健康。


Thanksgiving 2011
Learning Kung Fu and the Sifu-Student Relationship

Many people in the Wing Chun community have heard a story about Bruce Lee and Grandmaster Yip Man.  That was after Bruce Lee became famous, he returned to Hong Kong and asked the Grandmaster to allow him to film the Grandmaster performing the wooden dummy form and in return he would give him a big chunk of money (it is said the amount he offered could buy an apartment in Hong Kong .)  However, the Grandmaster turned it down.  Time has changed.  Students of martial arts have a relatively easier time when comes to learning the art.  There are a lot more teachers teaching the art than in the old days.  Many Sifus (or teachers) teach more openly and more willing to give out the information.  Books, DVD’s, on-line learning and videos on the YouTube are easy to find to help the students of today on his path to master his chosen art. 

On one occasion while talking about the differences between learning martial arts in the old days vs present, Sigung Moy Yat revealed a moving story that few know about him and Grandmaster Yip Man.  At one point Grandmaster Yip Man was sick.  Sigung Moy Yat would go to the Grandmaster’s house and take him out to the park for fresh air.  After taking the stroll in the park, Sigung Moy Yat would take the Grandmaster to the restaurant for some food.  (I venture to guess Sigung Moy Yat paid all the bill in the restaurant also.)  Then, he would take Grandmaster home for him to get some more sleep.  Day after day for few months, the Grandmaster taught Sigung Moy Yat one technique.  (Yes, one technique!)  Sigung Wong Shun Leung was also very close to the Grandmaster Yip Man.  For years he often accompanied the Grandmasters to many functions.

Sisukgung Yip Ching also wrote a story on his book, “Ip Man – Portrait of a kung fu master.”  The Bot Cham Do (Wing Chun Butterfly Knives) is “the most advanced and secretive” part of Wing Chun system.  Yip Man at his late year chose to teach Bot Cham Do to a very loyal student.  Since practicing and teaching Bot Cham Do takes a lot of energy, this student noticed Yip Man was totally drained out of the energy after each class.  So the student made up an excuse not to continue learning the knives from the Grandmaster to prevent him damaging his health.

With the society keeps changing, the way the martial arts are learned would most likely keeps evolving.  Yet, the precious relationship between a Sifu and a student would probably never go out of style.

Max2012/01/12 17:55 回應
師者    傳道 授業 解惑者耶
古人說   一日為師    終生為父
隨著時代的演變     尊師重道   似乎也慢慢的式微
然而    習武的人    或者更該說    熱愛武術的人     尊師重道的觀念不會改變
我曾經請教過老師您     在美國或歐洲    傳授武術時     有要求武德的培養嗎??
老師當時告訴我    沒有武德的傳授
對於西方的文化    我並不太熟悉   但我一直很重視"師道" 跟 "武德"
我覺得    武術除了技巧  應該要更重視修心    藉由武術的磨練 讓自己更加謙虛跟忠厚
我常看到 "武者相輕"   誰也不認同誰的師門傳授  ,  大家都認為自己的詠春才是最棒的
然後在網路上 "紛紛攘攘" 或是嘴砲一堆
我想 這就是只重視武術的技巧     卻沒重視"武德" 的修養
同門師兄弟 對 武術的體會跟領悟 都會有不同     更何況是不同師傅所傳授
真要論輸贏     打了就知道     又有啥好爭辯呢?
武德    讓我們懂得尊師     懂得感激老師對學生的傳授之恩
我想 這是現在社會 最欠缺的吧
Coach H2012/01/13 09:00回覆
ERIC7772011/11/28 00:42 回應
自己開始教學後   慢慢的越能體會老師以前跟我說的話  感謝老師!!!   哲
