温鑑良師伯會面記 Meeting Sifu Wan Kam Leung

温鑑良師伯會面記 Meeting Sifu Wan Kam Leung

2013/02/20 09:12


除了師父林文學 (Gary Lam),師伯温鑑良應是師公黃淳樑所教出來目前在世界最知名的華人詠春師傅。目前,除了他設在香港的「温鑑良實用詠春拳國際總會」,師伯温鑑良也已經在十一國家建立了分館推展詠春。師伯温鑑良曾經是香港皇家警察保護政要組(簡稱G4)唯一的詠春總教練,也曾經在香港詠春體育會教授多年。

我 讀過了一些關於師伯温鑑良的文章,也看過他的許多影片。我一向很欽佩他的詠春功夫。但直到上週前我從未有幸見過他本人。上週農曆新年期間温師伯和他的妻子 來到台灣,我很幸運能夠帶幾個學生在他們的短暫停留時與他們見面。温師伯給人的第一印象完全不像是一個六十好幾的人。他看上去是神采飛揚、精神飽滿並且是 個健步如飛的人。在我們的午餐中,我們談了很多詠春相關的話題。用餐快結束時,温師伯抓起我的手要跟我解釋一些詠春拳招式。由於在餐廳的空間實在有限,所 以我們決定移師到附近的國父紀念館。温師伯花了幾個小時向我們解釋他的「實用詠春拳」。他甚至還親自為我們示範了他的小念頭和尋橋。他也跟我們所有的人盤 手及演示他的詠春拳攻防招式。在我們不得不離開的時候,温師伯還問我是否有任何其他詠春拳的問題想問他。說實話,我和我的學生們根本沒有想到温師伯會花這 麼多時間和我們分享他的詠春拳。這真是一大驚喜。值得一提的是,師伯母就坐在旁邊的石椅看著我們在她的臉上不時地掛著笑容。雖然我們很高興温師伯教我們詠 春拳,但我覺得對師伯母很不好意思,因為這是她第一次來台灣玩,她卻必須花數小時等温師伯教我們詠春拳。所以,當我們要離開時,我和師伯母說:「不好意 思,讓您等這麼久。會很無聊嗎?」她微微笑地說:「不會。不會。  這(詠春)他(温師伯)的興趣。」這再次證明每一個成功的男人背後會有一個偉大的女人。温師伯和師伯母,謝謝您們給了我們這樣一個獲益良多又令人難忘的一天。





日本電視台採訪短片 (與日本影星倉田保昭)


温鑑良師傅 - G4

Meeting Sifu Wan Kam Leung

Besides Sifu Gary Lam, Sibak (senior Kung Fu uncle) Wan Kam Leung has to be the most renowned Wing Chun instructor under Sigung (Sifu’s Sifu) Wong Shun Leung around the world right now.  Sifu WAN was the only Wing Chun Chief Instructor for the Royal Hong Kong Police Force’s G4 (VIP Protection Unit) and had taught at Ving Tsun Athletic Association for many years.  Currently, besides his Hong Kong headquarters, Sibak Wan has established branch schools in eleven countries to promote Wing Chun. 

I had read some articles about Sibak Wan and seen many videos of him.  I have always admired his Wing Chun skill.  Yet, I had never had the pleasure of meeting him in person until last week.  During the Chinese New Year, Sibak Wan and his wife visited Taiwan and I was very lucky to be able to bring few students to meet them during their short stay.  My first impression of Sibak was he didn’t look like a person in his upper 60’ s at all.  During our lunch, we talked a lot of Wing Chun subjects.  Toward the end of the meal, Sibak grab my hand wanting to show the difference of his straight punch vs traditional straight punch..  Since the space in the restaurant was really limited, so our group decided to move to the near-by Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall.  Sibak spent several hours to explain to us his “Practical Wing Chun” and touched hands with all of us to demo his techniques.  He even demonstrated his Sil Lim Tao and Cham Kil for us.  By the time that we had to leave, Sibak still asked me whether there was still any Wing Chun questions that I would like to ask him.  Honestly, me and my students didn’t expect all of these at all.  This was really a pleasant surprise!  While all these were going on, Sibak’s wife just sat on the stone bench watching us with a smile on her face.  Although I fully enjoyed what Sibak was teaching us, I felt bad for her because this was her first trip to Taiwan and she had to wait for us to talk Wing Chun for hours.  So when we were leaving, I walked to her and said “Sorry that you had to wait for us for so long.  It must be boring for you.”  She just smiled and said: “Not at all.  This (Wing Chun) was his (Sibak’s) interest.”  Again, this proves behind every successful man there is a great woman.  Thank you, Sibak and Sibakmu (Sibak’s wife), for giving us such a rewarding and memorable day. 

This experience–to be able to feel such a high-level Wing Chun first hand -let me realize I still have a long way to go in this Wing Chun journey.  Lastly, I heard a student of Sibak Wan will open a school here in Taiwan in the future.  This is a great news for people in Taiwan who want to learn Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun.

Source of the picture: Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun Kung Fu

Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun Shanghai

Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung

Japanese TV Interview - Sifu Wan Kam Leung and Kurata Yasuaki

Russian TV Interview - Sifu Wan Kam Leung

Sifu Wan Kam Leung G4
