黃淳樑師公 Sigung Wong Shun Leung

黃淳樑師公 Sigung Wong Shun Leung

2009/01/14 14:06

黃淳樑師公 (1935-1997),自幼熱愛武術,早年拜於 葉問宗師門下多年,為葉問宗師得意第子。年青時期因曾多次主動與多個武術門派切磋,以印證自己所學,故有 「講手王」之稱號。(講手為比武之意李小龍拜葉問宗師為師時,由黃淳樑師公親自訓練天資聰敏的李小龍,亦由此時開始展開他們長期的亦師亦友之關係。黃淳樑師公多年來授徒培育出不少詠春精英, 桃李滿天下,名揚四海,弟子門人有不少已是今天的大師傅, 接續傳承黃師公之詠春拳學。

Sigung Wong Shun Leung is considered as one of the most talented and famous students of Yip Man.  He is also considered by many to be an invisible fighter and a great teacher.  Sigung Wong was renowned for earning the title of “King of Talking with Hands/King of Challenge Fights” after coming out on top of numerous challenge fights in his younger days.  Sigung Wong was the one responsible of most of Bruce Lee’s instruction.

黃淳樑師公引語Quotes of Wong Shun Leung

Don’t be the slave of Wing Chun, be its master!”

 "Let your opponent show you how to hit him."

What Wing Chun teaches us is that it is more important to use what is in your head ."

黃淳樑師公之YouTube影片   Sigung Wongs YouTube Clips

WSL Tribute Video

師公黃淳樑的小念頭 Sigung playing "Siu Lim Tau" or "Little Idea"

詠春黐手  Wing Chun Chi Sao

師公與師叔Peterson黐手 Sigung and Sisuk Peterson Chi Sao

黃淳樑師公文章敘述與李小龍對打訓練 (Sigung Wong's article on sparring with Bruce Lee)
