詠春拳的速度 The Speed of Wing Chun

詠春拳的速度 The Speed of Wing Chun

2010/07/17 20:12

作者: Alan C. Huang

速度在幾乎所有的體育活動都是最重要的元素之一。奧林匹克的格言是“citius, altius, fortius”,這是拉丁文“更快,更高,更強” 的意思。我不知道這是有意或只是巧合,因為和速度相關的是排第一。在中國武術,我們也有「唯快不破」的一種說法。不久前,我的一個練中國武術的朋友看到我師傅林文學的影片,驚訝地對我說: 「難道這就是所謂的無影手!」 我的朋友是絕對欽佩我師傅出手的速度。因我已經練詠春拳有一段時間了,我有時已經忘了對於一般人來說詠春拳的動作速度有多麼快。因此,毫不奇怪,目前的金氏世界紀錄最快的拳保持者為也是詠春拳同門,羅伯特.阿爾迪托 (Robert Ardito), 在一分鐘打428拳或每秒打7.1拳。根據我的經驗,勤練詠春拳不到一年的時間要每秒打34拳應該是沒有什麼大的困難。那麼,什麼使詠春拳這麼快?此外,詠春拳的速度是純基於肢體的快速動作嗎?

幾年前,我拜讀一篇師叔公粱紹鴻師傅 (Duncan Leung) 所寫很具有啟發性的文章,標題為《葉問所教我的速度》(“What Yip Man Taught Me About Speed”)。 根據梁師傅,葉問宗師教他速度有幾種不同的類型並教導他:「如果你不能以一種類型的速度戰勝對手,你可以使用另一種速度擊敗他。」換句話說,如果你能應用詠春拳的速度理論,實際上你的速度將可以更快。該篇文章將詠春拳的速度歸為四類:1.移動/ /運動的速度 (Speed of Travelling)2.距離的速度 (Speed of Distance)3.準備的速度 (Speed of Readiness)4.反應的速度 (Speed of Reaction)

根據該篇文章,移動的速度之定義是“這是一般我們所指的速度,就是一拳或一踢的速度,這類的速度之快慢可以每秒移動幾英尺計算出。透過不斷的練習,我們將漸漸提高我們的運動速度。”換句話說,當人們談論速度時就是指我們的肢體從 A點到B點的速度有多快。距離的速度之定義是詠春拳直線理論所教導我們要打或踢直線,因為它是兩點之間最短的距離。因此,一個直拳較鉤拳所走的距離比較短,因此它會更快達到其目標。準備的速度是指詠春拳教導我們出手或起腿之前,不要有任何準備動作。出手或起腿準備動作不僅需要額外的時間,但它也打出信號給對手讓他有所準備。最後是反應的速度。經過多年的黐手訓練,對於對手的攻擊我們將有自然的反應,甚至沒有須要任何思考。一場真正的打鬥是可能在幾秒鐘結束的事情,所以沒有時間去思考。如果我們能有不須要思考的自然反應,則我們的動作將是非常快速的。


牛津英語詞典的速度定義為 -“某人或某事移動或運作的速率。” 速率是物體運動的快慢。 所以,速度是描述物體運動快慢。定義式為: v(速度)=s(位移)/t(時間) 在物理學裏,位移是位置的改變。位移的口語是距離。基本上,影響速度的兩個關鍵因素是:時間和空間(或距離)。所以,如果我們想要我們的速度快於對手,有四種方法可以做到:1. 縮短我攻擊他的時間,2. 縮短我攻擊他的距離,3. 增加他攻擊我的時間,4. 增加他攻擊我的距離。例如,前面所提到的“距離的速度”是用來縮短我攻擊他的距離,而“準備的速度”就是要縮短我攻擊他的時間。有時,這些方法都是相互關聯的,例如當我減少我的距離來攻擊我的對手時,在同時我減少我攻擊對手所需的時間。


1.      連消帶打的速度 (Speed of Simultaneously Attacking and Defending):詠春拳讓我們學會在同一時間做兩或三個動作,例如使用左手防衛和右手攻擊。這是詠春拳中最突出的特點之一是防守和攻擊在同一時間之內,讓我們的對手幾乎沒有時間作出反應。(連消帶打的速度可用於縮短我攻擊他的時間。)

2.      原位打的速度 (Speed of Striking from Anywhere):這一個是類似上述的準備的速度,但是,這一類型的速度著重於我的肢體在任何地方都可以打或踢。例如,在我以拳擊中了的對手的下頦,我可以稍微地放鬆我的手肘,直接地從原地再次發動進攻沒有需要收回我的手臂。或者是,我踢出正腳,但我的對手閃躲到一邊。我則立即從正腳變成橫腳踢向他的膝蓋。 (原位打的速度可用於縮短我攻擊他的時間和距離。)

3.      攔截的速度 (Speed of Intercepting):透過攔截對手的攻擊,而減少我反擊的距離和時間。基本上,我讓他走進我的反擊,留給他很少有時間作出反應。因為我在對手的攻擊路線中攔截他,也是大致在我們雙方原來位置的中間點,做出我的防禦和進攻使得我的對手做反應時間大幅度削減。(攔截的速度可用於縮短我攻擊他的時間和距離。)

4.      角度的速度 (Speed of Angling):採取一個角度,在沒有需要任何身體轉動或移動的情況下,你的雙手和雙腳可以攻擊你的對手。然而,你的對手只有身體的一方, 例如右手和右腿,可以攻擊到你的身體,如果他想用他身體的另外一側,他需轉動或移動他的身體。(角度的速度可用於增加他攻擊我的時間和距離。)

5.      吃位的速度 (Speed of Occupying Position):透過吃掉了對手的空間,我們可以卡住其結構,使他很難靈活地自由攻擊。為了擺脫這情況,通常我們的對手需移動或後退,這使我們有更多的時間來作攻擊。(吃位的速度可用於增加他攻擊我的時間。)

6. 封手的速度 (Speed of Trapping):使用我們的一隻手暫時固定他的一隻或兩隻手,讓我們有機會自由得攻擊他。如果封手做得好,我的對手需先破解我的封手然後才能防衛我的攻擊或作出反擊,這都需要他花更多的時間和走更長的距離。(封手的速度可用於增加他攻擊我的時間和距離。)

到現在,你應該知道詠春有幾種類型的速度將讓我們在戰鬥中佔有優勢,即使是對手的動作比我們更快。總之,請記住這一點 - 你不必比你的對手快,只要你可以讓他比你慢。

師傅林文學的影片 - 快,準,穩 Sifu Lams video Fast, accurate, steady

粱紹鴻師傅的文章《葉問所教我的速度》 Sifu Duncan Leungs What Yip Man Taught Me About Speed

The Speed of Wing Chun
Author: Alan C. Huang

Speed is something that is one of the most important elements in almost any sports. I don’t know it’s intentional or just by coincidence the motto of Olympic is “citius, altius, fortius” which is Latin for “Faster, Higher, Stronger” with something related to speed as the first one.  In Chinese martial arts, we also have a saying can be loosely translated into “Speed always prevails” or, in a more common expression, “Speed kills.”  Not long ago, one of my friends who also trains in Chinese martial arts saw one of my Sifu’s, Gary Lam, video then said to me “Is this the so called Shadowless Hands?!”  My friend was definitely in awe with the speed of my Sifu’s continuous strikes.  Since I’ve been doing Wing Chun for sometimes now, I have forgotten how fast Wing Chun moves appear to outsiders.  So, no surprise that the current Guinness World Records holder for the fastest punches is also a Wing Chun practitioner, Robert Ardito, who was cloaked in with 428 punches in a minute or 7.1 punches per second.  In my experience, for someone who has trained in Wing Chun diligently for less than a year could punch 3 to 4 punches per second without any major difficulties.  So, what make Wing Chun practitioner so fast?  Also, is the speed of Wing Chun practitioner purely physical?

Several years ago, I read a very good article from Sifu Duncan Leung titled “What Yip Man taught me about speed.”  It’s an enlightening article.  According to Sifu Leung, Yip Man taught him there are several types of speed and instructed him “If you cannot overcome your opponent with one type of speed, you can beat him with another.”  In other words, if you can apply the Wing Chun theory of speed, you can actually become faster.”  The article categorizes Wing Chun speed into four categories: 1. Speed of Travelling, 2. Speed of Distance, 3. Speed of Readiness and 4. Speed of Reaction.

The definition of the Speed of Travelling is “This is the type of speed we normally refer to, that is, a punch or kick, a speed which speed can be calculated in feet per second. With consistent practice, one gradually improves the speed of the movement.”  In other words, when people talk about speed this is what we are talking about - how quickly can we move from Point A to Point B with our body parts.  The definition of Speed of Distance is Wing Chun straight-line theory teaches us to strike or kick in a straight line, because it is the shortest distance between two points.  Therefore, a straight punch travels a shorter distance than say a hook punch, so it is quicker to reach its target.  Speed of Readiness is simply that Wing Chun teaches us not to chamber or cock our hand or leg before we punch or kick.  The chambering or cocking motions not only take extra time, but it is also telegraphing to the opponent.  The last one is Speed of Reaction.  With years of training in Chi Sao, we will have a natural reaction to opponent’s attack without even have to think about it.  A real fight could finish in a matter of seconds, there is no time for thinking and if one can react without thinking then his or her movement is going to be fast.

Sifu Leung’s article basically covers all the key points on the speed of Wing Chun. Based on my experience and instructions from my Sifu, I have some ideas on the speed of Wing Chun to share here.  Oxford Dictionary’s definition of speed is “the rate at which someone or something moves or operates.”  Velocity=Distance/Time (v=d/t ; where d=distance and t=time). Velocity equals Distance/Time (v equals s/t ; where s equals distance and t equals time)  Basically, two key elements in speed are: time and space.  So, if we want our speed faster than our opponent’s in a fight, there are four ways to do that: 1. Reduce my time to hit him, 2.Reduce my distance to hit him, 3. Increase his time to hit me and 4. Increase his distance to hit me.  For example aforementioned “Speed of Distance” is applied to reduce my distance to hit him and “Speed of Readiness” is to reduce my time to hit him.  Sometimes these are interrelated, for example when I decrease my distance to attack my opponent at the same time I reduce my time to hit him.

I have come to realize that several of Wing Chun concepts have speed element in them during writing this article.  Maybe not all those concepts were conceived with making Wing Chun practitioner fast, however, they all help that cause one way or the other.  I have come up with few categories of speeds of Wing Chun on my own.  Obviously, other martial arts might also utilize some of these types of speed.

1.   Speed of Simultaneously Attacking and Defending: We learn to do two, sometime three, things at the same time.  One of the most prominent features of Wing Chun is deflecting and attacking at the same time, so give our opponent very little time to react. This type of speed is to decrease the time the opponent has to react.

2.   Speed of Anywhere (a.k.a. Speed of Hitting from Original Spot): This one is similar to Speed of Readiness, however, this one emphasizes on hitting or kicking from wherever my limb is.  For example, after striking my opponent with a punch on his chin, I relax my elbow and can strike from there again. Or, I throw a straight kick, but my opponent moves to the side to avoid my kick.  Then, I change my straight kick to side kick immediately to attack his knee.

3.   Speed of Intercepting: Stopping opponent on his track to attack me with my own attack, which cut down the distance and time for me to counterattack.  By intercepting him at the mid-point of where both us stood, I want him to walk into my counter-attack with very little time for him to react.

4.   Speed of Angling: Take a position that both of your hands and feet could attack your opponent without any turning of shifting of the body.  Whereas, your opponent has only one side of his body can reach you at a time and has to turn his body if he want to use one side of his body; the side that is farther away from you.

5.   Speed of Occupying Position:  By eating up our opponent’s space, we could jam his structure and make him hard to strike freely.  To get out of the situation, often time my opponent has to move or step back, which gives us more time to attack.

6. Speed of Trapping:  Use one hand to momentarily immobilize his one hand or two hands to allow me to strike him freely.  If the trapping is done properly, my opponent has to break out from that to defend my strike which take more time and distance for him.

By now, you should know Wing Chun has several types of speed that would give us an edge in a fight, even though our opponent is physically faster than us.  In summary, remember this – You don’t have to be faster than your opponent, as long as you can make him slower than you.

Sifu Lam’s video – Fast, accurate, steady

Sifu Duncan Leung’s “What Yip Man Taught Me About Speed”

MR.Leo2010/07/19 11:22 回應
謝謝老師的文章, 我會多加思考的...
艦長2010/07/19 10:52 回應
Coach H2010/07/21 18:48回覆
Thank you everyone for your support.
jason2010/07/19 10:31 回應
tommy2010/07/19 10:15 回應
老師     您寫的這篇文章  讓我對 詠春 有了新的 概念                  謝謝老師無私的教授        推.................推...........推.............. 推..................好棒的文章            
Max2010/07/17 23:39 回應
老師  您寫的真的是太精華   完全以科學化的角度來詮釋詠春的特色

Coach H2010/07/19 00:13回覆
