「黐腳」有沒有? Wing Chun “Chi Gerk”, yes or no?


在所有葉問詠春系統學校或拳館都應有黐手這項非常普遍的練習。但是,不是所有的葉問詠春系統門人都有做「黐腳」這項練習。有些人堅稱「黐腳」是葉問宗師傳下來的。然而,有些人斬釘截鐵得表示葉問從來沒有教過「黐腳」,「黐腳」是由葉問的弟子發明的。當我在瀏覽一些舊武術雜誌時,發現一篇最初發表於三十多年前的「新武俠」雜誌的舊文。這篇文章再次被轉載在2006第14期「新武俠」雜誌中。這篇文章是與葉問的專訪。文章的標題是「葉問宗師大談黐手黐腳妙著」。作者的名字為莫沛安。在文章中,葉問被引述說:「三套拳(即小念頭、尋橋、標指)練得滾瓜爛熟,大致上馬,步,腳三方面會有一定的收穫。但是要更進一步練腳的話,非要經過兩個程序不可。第一在學術方面要練黐腳,第二在學理方面要了解詠春用腳的心法。」 然後,文章繼續撰寫有關詠春用腳的心法並針對黐腳有簡短的說明。這篇文章是葉問詠春系統的確有「黐腳」的一個有力證據。

莫沛安.2006 (明確的原出刊日期尚不詳; 該雜誌只聲明在三十多年前). 「葉問宗師大談黐手黐腳妙著」.「新武俠」雜誌. 第14期43頁.香港

Wing Chun “Chi Gerk”, yes or no?

All Ip Man Wing Chun schools should have the Chi Sao excise, yet “Chi Gerk” (“Sticky Legs”) is only practiced at some schools.  Some say that Chi Gerk was passed down from the Grandmaster Ip Man.  Yet, some claim that Ip Man didn’t teach Chi Gerk and it was invented by Ip Man’s students.  When I was going through some old martial art magazines I found an old article which originally was published in the 70’s in the New Martial Hero magazine from Hong Kong.  It was republished again in 2006 by the same magazine.  The article was an interview with Ip Man.  The title of the article is "Grandmaster Ip Man candidly speaks out on the intricacies of Chi Sao and Chi Gerk."  In the article, Ip Man was quoted as saying: “After well-versed in the three empty-hand forms, one should have harvested a certain result for the horse stance, stepping and kicking.  But in the case that one wants to excel in kicking, one has to go through two processes. First one on the skill level is to learn the Chi Gerk.  Second one on the theoretical level is to learn the principles of kicking.”  Then, the article continues on writing about Wing Chun kicking principles and toward the end it has a short description of Chi Gerk.  This article is a strong evidence that there indeed has Chi Gerk in the Ip Man Wing Chun system.

Mo, Peian, 2006 (definite first publishing date unclear; the Magazine only states it was over thirty years ago), Grandmaster Ip Man candidly speaks out on the intricacies of Chi Sao and Chi Gerk, New Martial Hero Magazine, p. 43, Hong Kong
