向傳奇學習! Learning From A Legend!

Orono教練在武術頻道“fightTIPS 的新影片
"How This Man Beat Buakaw, Saenchai, & Yodsanklai" video

“Orono Wor Petchpun: High-Kick Setup” video

圖片來源(source)Orono Wor Petchpun

“To be a legend, you must beat a legend.”

“To be the best, you must learn from the best.”

大約一個多月前,YouTube上很受歡迎的武術頻道“fightTIPS”採訪了我的一位泰拳教練Orono Wor Petchpun。如果你不知道他是誰,Orono教練擊敗了不止一個泰拳傳奇人物,在他傑出的職業格鬥生涯中他擊敗了三個傳奇人物(播求、善猜、雅桑克莱)。在這段短時間內,這影片已經獲得了超過十九萬次的觀看次數。影片中Orono教練教頻道主持人使用肘擊的策略。他首先用其他泰拳技法建立了一個攻擊模式,然後突然打破模式使出肘擊讓對手措手不及作防衛。最後他還談到了他如何在格鬥時應用聲東擊西之計。以上第二部影片是由國際知名格鬥運動分析師Lawrence Kenshin製作的影片來分析Orono教練使用類似策略踢倒對手。在這段影片中,他先重復地踢對手的中段。一旦對手習慣防衛自己的中段時,他突然轉踢向對手頭部從而導致K.O. (擊倒)Orono教練也帶我操練過不同的泰拳技法運用這樣的策略——以假動作或者重複相同動作攻擊一個目標來欺敵,用以掩護真正或主要動作攻擊另一個目標。換言之就是設下陷阱然後攻其不備出其不意。Orono教練教授的策略也可以應用於其他武術。

Kru Orono不只是一個傳奇泰拳世界冠軍,他也是一位相當出色的教練。對我來說,可以有他親自教我許多泰拳和擂台技巧,使我深感榮幸。隨著網路的普及,希望世界各地更多人會認識這個泰拳傳奇和可以從他的影片學到一些東西。

「故善攻者,敵不知其所守」 -《孫子兵法》虛實篇

In March, “fightTIPS”, a popular martial art channel on Youtube, interviewed my Muay Thai coach, Orono Wor Petchpun.  For those who don’t know him, he beat not just one legend, actually beat three legends (Saenchai, Yodsanklai and Buakaw) in his illustrious fight career.  In this short period of time, the video has gotten over 190,000 views.  Kru Orono teaches the host Shane Fazen his tactic of using elbows.  First, he creates a pattern with other Muay Thai techniques to set up a trap, then suddenly break the pattern with the elbow strike to catch the opponent by surprise.  The second video demonstrates a similar tactic of Kru Orono.  In this video, he repeatedly kicked his opponent’s mid-section.  Once the opponent got used to defend his kick, he suddenly switched to a high kick to the head which resulting a knockout.  The tactic that Kru Orono taught can be applied in other martial arts. 

Kru Orono is not a just a legendary fighter, he is also a fantastic instructor.  It was such an honor and privilege for me to be taught by him.  With the convenience of the internet, hopefully more people around the world would know about this legend and could learn something from his videos.

“Therefore, he who excels in offense, his enemy doesn’t know where and when to defend.” – The Art of War
